Basically the signs and symptoms of chronic bronchitis can be classified as early and late
signs and symptoms. The early symptoms are the primary or initial symptoms which the
patient may experience in primary stages of chronic bronchitis and as it worsens the later
symptoms will be experienced.
Primary signs and symptoms:
The most common symptom of chronic bronchitis is Coughing. Long term cough is
Defined when cough persists for most days of the month, at least 3 months a year and for two
years in a row and it doesn't heal in a spite of treatment. In early stages the patient may
experience coughing in the morning with sputum brought up from the lungs and as the
situation worsens the coughs will last longer and the amount of the sputum or mucus will be
increased and it wouldn't be only in the morning but the whole day.
One of the other
symptoms is shortness of breath or Dyspnea which leads to hypoxia and it causes lack of
oxygen in blood stream. Headache is another symptom, while the patient may experience a
runny or stuffy nose. Wheezing also may occur while the inflammation of the
airways and the muscular tightness are the main factors. All these factors may also cause a
bad breath or bad taste in oral cavity.
Later signs and symptoms:
As the situation of patient with chronic bronchitis worsens, the patient may notice that skin,
lips and nail beds turn blue or dusky, feel more shortness of breath, it is noticeable that
breathing becomes faster and wheezing gets worse. Patient will get tired more frequently and
may not be able to walk as much as he could before.