Traveling is viewed as an art by some while others view travelling as a hobby. In whatever way that a person may view it, traveling brings an exposure and an understanding that cannot be gotten from other secondary material that information of a place may be contained in. Observation, which is one of the methods of statistical data collection, creates a picture in the observer that is most permanent. Even non-statisticians can be able to give a good account of a place or event that they have visited (Orvell, and Meikle, 50). Travelling in America, in particular, helps one to understand the history of the land and its people as well as understanding the geography of the country. This essay is an account of physical visit to Aspen, Lanikai Beach, and Cape Cod all of which are tourist sites in America.
Aspen, which is located in Colorado State in America, has a rich history. The archive records its ups and downs in environment, population and investment. Available secondary data date the area as back as nineteenth century. The area is said to have been named after the populous Aspen trees in its vicinity (BiblioBazaar, 56). Though the trees are common in many states in America, the area has a vast number of them. Until mid 20th century, the area was quiet due to its low development. However, the fortunes were to change when the developments started in Aspen Mountains. A visit of the town exposes the visitors with its rich art that is enhanced by the Aspen Music Festival and School. Apart from the school, the town also hosts two other major institutions and has an amazing transport system (BiblioBazaar, 61). Lovers of history will find this place entertaining as the history of its mining is explained to them by the residents. Mining was the basic economic activity prior to mid 20th century. To catch up with local developments and news, there are several local radio stations which include KSPN and newspapers that include THE ASPEN TIMES. Since the revival of its economy, the town geographically placed 8000 above sea level has seen its population glow to close to 7000 residents (Orvell, and Meikle, 95). Prior to the revival the population was lower than 2000 people mark.
Lanikai Beach
Hawaii State is home to many beaches that are renowned. One of these beaches is Lanikai Beach (Foster, 211). One of the unique features of the beach is that unlike many other beaches in Hawaii, the beach is not located in public land and hence it’s not managed by the county authority. The area is characterized by its upper-class residents who may not be too wary of spending. This ensures that a visit to the beach does not attract curios onlookers a scenario that is common to many public beaches. While many beaches in Hawaii have relatives high visitors during weekdays, such days are lonely at Lanikai Beach (Orvell, and Meikle, 97). The visitors here have created an unwritten tradition of visiting during weekends which turn to be full of visitors. Most of its visitors are models that come for photo sessions. Among its most attractive features is watching of moonlight. This is especially during full moon (Foster, 158). However, the town records relatively high number of visitors throughout the year.
Cape Cod
The Northeastern town in Massachusetts has been inhabited by the native Wampanoag for a very long time. However, when the British invaded and occupied the land, these natives lost their heritage. The land was richly farmed by the Wampanoag who could conserve the forests using the light technology (Orvell, and Meikle, 123). The tribe had to later fight legally for federal recognition and the battle was won in 2007 when they were recognized as a tribe. A visitor at the Cape as the locals prefer it called will have to withstand extreme temperatures as the narration of how to conserve the forests is given to them (Jasper, 145). This environmental condition is a result of the Atlantic Ocean. To connect back and fro the Cape, vertical-lift, and two other highways are used. Crossing this is also a worthy experience to any visitor. First time visitors even make sure they use all the three possible ways by moving back and from the mainland numerous times (Jasper, 90). The inflow of tourists to the town that is boarded by numerous islands and towns is recorded highest during the summer months.
Works cited
BiblioBazaar. Geology of the Aspen Mining District, Colorado, with Atlas. New York: Josiah
Edward Spurr. 2011
Foster, Jeanette. Frommer's Hawaii 2012. Hawaii: John Willey & sons Inc
Jasper, Mark. Haunted Cape Cod & The Islands. Massachusetts: On Cape Publications. 2002
Orvell, Miles, and Meikle. Jeffrey Public Space and the Ideology of Place in American Culture.
New York: Amazon. 2009