Transportation and Tourism
In Lower Manhattan, 85 percent of commuters use public means of transportation due to the unavailability of the private automobile. This is due to the past unfolding effects that occurred in the area. These events had effects on the City’s visitor market. For this reason, the associated risks require cooperation from various parties, of the affected destination and the generating market, the tourist industry, public policy maker and tourists themselves. Also creation of special police units that are trained for protection and assistance of tourism business should be effective. Transportation should be improved by introducing private means of transportation systems. With various parallel routes, the transportation system is vulnerable to serious terrorist attack. Therefore, since transpiration is gradually keeping up with the demand of the residents in Lower Manhattan it is essential to ensure safety of tourists visiting the area by introducing secure transport systems
Oil-related Targets and Infrastructure
Highway infrastructures have various vulnerabilities that the Blue Ribbon Panel (BRP) professionals ensure they address in America. Bridges and tunnels form an integral part of the overall transportation system ensuring vital connection to the National economy, quality of life and defense. For this reason, development and deployment of programs that support bridges and tunnels should be resilient to withstand acts of terrorism. Most highway tunnels and bridge assets are located beneath water bodies and have limited alternative routes. This exposes them to attacks, and guidance for risk assessment and allocation of the fund should be effective in addressing security concern and implementing cost-effective operational security standards. The tunnels are considered vulnerable due to the previous terrorist attacks that have been experienced in the past. Advances in these parts will help in improve the security.
Blue Ribbon Panel on Bridge and Tunnel Security, & United States of America. (2003). Recommendations for Bridge and Tunnel Security