A health system entails all programs, institutions, resources, procedures and personnel that are used by a country to meet the health needs of its citizens. The essence of a health system is to promote and restore the health of the population (WHO, 2014). Furthermore, an efficient health care system is always committed to the provision of quality care services to the citizens. According to Amce (2014), health systems vary from country to country. However, we have common elements like training of the physicians, robust funding, policies, health informatics and medical logistics.
According to Kalisch (2014), the Australian health system is a multi-faceted system that relies on both private and public funding. Contribution from the public coffers is made through taxation and revenue collection. On the other hand, private organizations are critical in the provision of insurance to Australians at an insured charge. Besides, the Australian health system is committed to the provision of the required public financial support to areas that are in dire needs of health care, especially in the rural areas. In addition, some of the essential services provided in clued the use of hospital visits and the general practitioners (Kalisch, 2014).Also contends that since there is no limit to which an individual can use the care system, insurance covers that are privately purchased are of significant help in the funding of the diverse health care needs of the Australians (WHO, 2011).
In Australia, health services in the public sector are provided at local, territory and state level (Australia Bureau of Statistics, 2012). In contrast, the private sector service providers include pharmacies and private hospitals. The public hospitals are managed by the federal and territorial governments despite the fact that they are being funded by the state. On the other hand, the private sector is tasked with the responsibility of managing private hospitals. Furthermore, HETI (2016) explains that the public health sector provides a wide range of health services which include; medical research, population health initiatives, mental and community health services Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander care services and the development of the health infrastructure.
Unlike the Australian health system that has a multi-faceted and a well-structured care system, the United States health system is the most unique among the developed economies. This is because the US care system does not have a uniform structure. Besides, this health system does not provide universal care services like the one provided in Australia. It is only in the recent past when President Obama enacted the Obamacare, a legislation that mandates mandatory health coverage for all the American citizens (WHO, 2016).
A study by WHO (2016) portends that the US provides a hybrid care system as compared to Australia which is operation a national healthcare service. The US health system is characterized by a mix of private and public funding hence; making it hard to develop a single philosophy that governs the health sector. Primarily, the operation and ownership of most of the health institutions in the US is in the hands of the private sector. This model of management has made the US healthcare services to be the more expensive that the medical costs in Australia. Also, (WHO, 2011) reiterates that the US is the only country among the industrialized countries that is not committed to the provision of Universal care.
Both the US and Australian governments have responded to the high costs that come with the access to medical services by establishing various funding programs that have enhanced equity and affordability in terms of the access to health services. The self-provision strategy of the US health care system is designed in such a way that the citizens are the ones responsible for their health care expenses at their own choice. For instance, most of the finances that fund the US health care are obtained from government initiated programs like Medicare Children insurance health program and Medicaid. According to WHO (2016), the Affordable healthcare Act requires all the employers to insure their staff. Also, the government has initiated programs that encourage rich people to buy their personal health insurance policies. On the other hand, employees who are working with the government are insured by the state.
The affordable Healthcare Act has established provisions that are supposed to be met by participating health institutions so as to benefit from the government subsidies and Medicaid funding. Some of the requirements included the use of Electronic health Records in the management of health services. However, the problems of access to health services in the US still remain an issue of concern since a majority of the population are unemployed. This has made a majority of the elderly and poor citizens have problems of accessing health services due to exorbitant costs. Despite the fact that the government has rolled out insurance programs that target the needy, most of the Americans are still marginalized when it comes to accessing quality and affordable health care.
Despite the fact that most of the medical facilities in the United states are owned by the private sector, the government also federal and county government also owns a number of the hospitals (WHO, 2016).Furthermore, the government has enacted legislations that mandate the federal government have an overall say when it comes to controlling the quality, supervision and licensing of health institutions in their respective states. This strategy has made the private sector to luck autonomy in terms of the administration of the health sector since the government is the one that funds most of these private hospitals through programs like Medicaid.
Unlike the American health care system, the Australian health system is made in a way that incorporates contributions from the public through taxation and the private sector through the provision of insurance policies. Also, the government has established Medicaid services that have enhanced equality and access to quality health care services to the Australian citizens (HETI, 2016).
A study by ABS (2016) indicates that both the US and the American Governments have the same market mix structure. This is due to the fact that in both governments are committed to the involvement of the private sector in the provision of the health services and funding through various insurance schemes. However, the Australian health care system is strongly found on ideologies that advocate for equity in terms of the access whereas the partnership between the US government and the private sector is largely based on issues of funding and compliance to the provision of the Medicaid regulations.
Health outcomes
The US health system has put in place policies that promote patient-centered medical care and preventative measures through the integration of the health informatics in the management of health services. The joint Commission has developed strict regulations that guarantee the safety of the patients in the hospitals. For instance, Electronic health records have been critical in early detection of allergies and disease outbreaks so as to prevent further infections.
Despite the progress made by the Australian health system, medical errors in the hospitals continue to be a big challenge for the caregivers. This is because the integration of health informatics in the management of health services has not been embraced fully.( 0 further contends that most of the patients in Australia take a lot of time in the hospitals unlike in the US whereby the EHR has made it easier for the nurses to provide health care services within the shortest time possible (AIH,2014).
Prevention initiatives
The primary prevention programs in the US health system have been of great significance when it comes to the development of prevention interventions before the outbreak of diseases. Programs that targets regular screening of cancer in the US have been of help in terms of containing chronic diseases (United States Department of Health, 2015). In addition, the establishment of the campaign programs that promotes good eating habits and the banning of advertisement of sugary foods to children have helped in reducing cases of obesity among the American population (Tandonet al., 2015). Also, the Australian government has established programs that target early detection of cancer in women through regular screening (Australian Government Department of Health (2015).
Health programs for indigenous population
The Aboriginal who form the majority of the indigenous population largely lives in the rural areas. A research by AIH (2014) explained that most of the indigenous populations in Australia still have a challenge when it comes to the access to quality health care due to remoteness. Also, the government has been underfunding programs that target the indigenous population. Even though the Australian government established the Department of the Indigenous Health Division to coordinate the funding of the activities of mental health, the Northern Territory Health and the Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal chronic fund, the Aboriginals are still associated with high consumption of tobacco and alcohol. This traditional habit has exposed this group of people to chronic diseases like Tuberculosis and heart-related disease.
The Australian government has not done much in terms of educating the masses on the health risks of tobacco consumption (The Common Wealth Fund, 2015). In addition, the marginalization of the Aboriginals has led to stress and other mental illnesses. It is imperative for the government to develop health programs that ensure that all citizens in the rural and urban areas have access to quality and affordable health care services (Australian Indigenous HealthinfoNet, 2015). The life expectancy of the Native Americans continues to be lower as compared to not Native Americans. This is due to the fact that the US government has done little in enhancing the health care needs of the red Indians (Artiga et al., 2013). A similar situation is being experienced in Australia whereby the life expectancy of the Aboriginal is ten years less than that of non-native Australians.
Advantages and disadvantages of both health systems
Equity in the Australian health system is the greatest value for this health system. The government has established legislations that ensure that all citizens have equal access to health regardless of their economic status in the society. On the other hand, the American model that greatly relies on the provision of health services by the private sector has encouraged discrimination in terms of the access to medical services. People who are employed have access to quality medical services since they have superior insurance policies a fact that causes inequality when it comes to access (WHO, 2016).
The American health system is more efficient as compared to the Australian health system. This is because the waiting time in hospitals is low and that the government is committed to the provision of adequate financial resources and maintenance safety through the use of EHR. The Australian health system is grappling with the problem of inadequate funding coupled with long waiting lists in the health facilities. However, Gardner (2015) notes that the Australian government has developed initiatives that encourage the privatization of health sector so as to promote efficiency and quality of care. Besides inadequate funding, cultural factors have been a hindrance towards access to quality health services among the indigenous population in Australia.
Comparatively, the American and the Australian health systems need to learn from one another. The US is more committed to efficiency and the provision of high-quality care. On the other hand, Australia is lagging behind when it comes to efficiency. Despite the fact that The US spends a lot of money on the health care as compared to Australia. However, access to health is still an issue in the US unlike in Australia. It is imperative for the US to redesign its health system so as to provide universal health, unlike the current one that is driven by the private sector. However, it is better for one to live in the Australian society that promotes equity and ethics in the administration of the health care system, unlike the US society which values efficiency at the expense of equal access to health care services by all citizens.
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