Key elements of the wellness program success at Nabholz Construction Company
The key elements in the wellness programs can be identified to include the setting of goals to be achieved, creating a wellness culture as well as identification of the workforce needs.
Adoption barriers to the wellness programs
Although the workforce wellness programs have been identified to have several benefits to both employers and employees, many employers are reluctant to adapt them owing to a number of adoption barriers summarized as follows.
Lack of interest: There could be lack of interest by the management and the workforce involved given that their focus is on delivering in line with their job specifications and the stakeholders’ interests.
Insufficient time: The workforce and the management face a constraint in term of time given that employees have set targets and expectations that may be negatively affected by involvement in other activities.
Funding challenges: The wellness programs have a financial implication on businesses and the presents a challenge to employers given that they could consider that as an added cost to the business.
Undefined purpose: In many businesses, the wellness programs could have not been well defined given that the wellness is mainly perceived as a personal responsibility and not that of the business that focuses on delivering towards its goals.
Appropriateness of employers influence on employees activities regarding health
In view of the increasing concern over the employers influence on their employees’ activities, it can be considered that the involvement is warranted. That owes to the effect that the unhealthy habits have on both employers as well as employees in terms of financial costs and productivity. In that respect, the influence from the selection, recruitments and post hire is appropriate given that it helps ensure that employers get a workforce that is capable of carrying out delivering and managing the costs related to the unhealthy habits that employees could engage in after their employment. With that, the employers are justified and appropriate for employers to influence their workers activities with a target to maintain and improve their health.