Report on Traditional and Online Shopping
I. Introduction
I have experienced and examined shopping the conventional and online way. I have imagined myself deciding to purchase a smartphone in Singapore. First, I shopped for the smartphone in the traditional manner and described how I did so. The way in which I gathered the necessary information that I needed to choose a smartphone was by an actual visit to a number of wireless centers. I read their posters, catalogue, leaflets, flyers, brochures, displays, etc. I have compared the features or specifications of one item over the others. It took me more than four hours to do conventional shopping because I am picky when it comes to the purchase of electronic gadgets. Likewise, I want to find value to my money’s worth based on the warranty, price, brand, and features of an item. On the other hand, when I shop over the Internet, all I need is a laptop, excellent internet connection, good searching skill, and payment method. I typed in the keywords of the smartphone that I was looking for in a reputable online store. Additionally, I read product reviews about the smartphone, as well as, previous users’ experience of the specific unit. Moreover, I used a secured URL (that is, https instead of just http) should I purchase the product. Fortunately, it only took me less than 30 minutes to look for the right brand, online store, comparative prices, product delivery duration, survey, and reviews (Ecommerce, 2011). I bought the item and only have to wait for it to be delivered to me free of charge right in front of my doorstep.
II. Body
- Traditional and online shopping environment
Traditional, or bricks-and-mortar, shopping refers to searching and/or purchasing of goods, services, or other commodities in a physical or actual stores (such as in malls, commercial centers). It typically required me to experience hands-on what I was exploring diligently to find before buying the smartphone in a specific physical shopfloor (Bodhani, 2012). On the other hand, online shopping refers to searching and purchasing of goods, services, or other commodities over the Web in specific websites using a particular payment method (e.g., Paypal, Payoneer, Credit Card, MasterCard, Visa). Still, there are individuals who “compare prices and research products first” before “order[ing] online [and then] come into the shop to pay cash” (The Economist Newspaper, 2012; Page, 2011), which will “significant[ly] impact on shopping centres” (South China Morning Post, 2013), especially when shopping becomes more local simply by using Google search (Weiss, 2013).
The experience of traditional shopping typically engaged me to the actual setting. I commuted to and fro my home to the mall or wireless centers, which required more time, effort, and money. Nonetheless, I had a physical contact to the item that I was looking for. The experience of touching the unit: how it looked; how it actually weighed; what its features were; how the features worked; and, so forth, cannot be underestimated. I had also immediately asked assistance or queries to the store staff. When I asked about other available units with better specifications, the store representative easily informed me that the other units were available. On the other hand, in online shopping, the experience typically involved me to make searches or go directly to the online store I was already familiar with visiting in the past. Sometimes, the online stores had been referred to me by my friends. Although it was much more convenient to shop online, it still required time, effort, money, and “reasoned action” (Jongeun, 2012). Likewise, I had mostly viewed the items in different perspectives, just like in traditional shopping. However, I had not touched the item but only after it had been delivered to me. Nonetheless, should I have queries or concerns about the smartphone that I already have in my hand, I still can ask assistance from online customer care support representative.
C. Advantages and disadvantages of online and traditional shopping
The advantages of traditional shopping included, but were not limited to: (1) actual interaction with the item, other customers, and store staff; (2) actual store visit means better information about updates regarding item pricing, available units, etc.; (3) typically, no long waiting time once the product had been purchased; (4) immediate return of the product bought if found defective; (5) worry-free transaction because of face-to-face transaction; and, (6) traditional shopping involved other related activities for me and my friends (e.g., food tripping). On the other hand, the disadvantages of traditional shopping included: (1) consumed more of my time, energy, and resources than was necessary; (2) unavailable, out-of-stock, or order basis items meant going back to the physical store next time should I opt to; and, (3) long waiting time due to unexpected long queues.
Based on my experience, the advantages of online shopping included, but are not limited to: (1) convenience considering that I do not have to visit an actual store just to see the smartphone that I was looking for; (2) 24/7 customer support and care; (3) virtually, no waiting time; (4) product and cost comparison was readily, but still dependent on a particular website’s features; (5) easy payment system; (6) availability of product reviews and updates from the buying public; and, (7) generally, time, energy, and cost saving by simply following the brand using the company’s post-purchase communications through subscription, newsletter, updates, etc. on online social networking sites (Anon., 2013; Chia, 2014). To the contrary, the cons of online shopping consisted of: (1) no actual physical contact with the product, customers, and online store staff; (2) identity theft in case I accidentally landed on a phishing site, which would affect my subsequent intentions to purchase (Hsu, Chuang, & Hsu, 2014; Su, Wang, & Hsu, 2012; Weisberg, 2011); (3) extra-time needed to wait for the delivery of a replacement product in case of initially delivered defective item; and, (4) possibility of higher delivery charge during holidays for last-minute delivery and shipment fees in some products because of my location (The Business Week, 2014; Taft, 2013).
D. Justification for choosing one over the other
I had the luxury of the time visiting the mall with family members and friends during the weekend, so I preferred traditional shopping. With traditional shopping with my loved ones, I also had quality time bonding with them, aside from having bought a smartphone. With family members and friends while shopping, they gave me advice what brand or unit to choose and buy. Although I had also shopped online with family members and friends, I cannot simply have lunch or dinner treat outside of the confines of our residence. Likewise, though it was much more expensive to shop in a mall, the window shopping that goes with traditional shopping cannot be undermined. Hence, for me, it was more suitable to purchase a smartphone unit in a traditional manner because I had loved the experience of going around with my loved ones inside a mall.
E. Summary of my answer with clear explanation
People like me who were accustomed to online shopping preferred it over traditional shopping, even though both have nearly equal advantages (please see list of advantages above) and that online shopping offers “more ways of getting a product” (Jopson, 2012) For many online purchasers who have not experienced identity theft and no-charge delivery / shipment fees, they would definitely opt for online shopping. In most other cases, however, other than simply buying one item, such as a smartphone, I may still opt for in-store or online shopping next time depending on circumstances considering that I am “laser focused on discounts and deals” (The Wall Street Journal, 2013) simultaneously with the service level of an onine shopping platform (e.g., eBay, Taobao) (Tsan-Ming, et al, 2013).
III. Conclusion
In conclusion, different people have different preferences between traditional and online shopping. Determining factors why I either chose one over the other are matters of personal taste, choice, preference, attitude, convenience, cost-time-money effectiveness, and efficiency. I would not simply opt for traditional shopping or online shopping because I want to. I considered the various factors that I just mentioned because they helped me become a better buyer. Nonetheless, I do not simply rely on what I already know but also consult others for advice so that I would not regret having purchased an item where a much better one is just around the corner. Thus, even when I have presented a good justification as to why I selected traditional over online shopping, my preference, taste, choice, etc. may still change over time.
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