Bank Regulation
How much impact do banks contribute to the continuity of any small business and how much of that process is being facilitated by the government or the city where the small business opens?
The growth of the economy depends on the success of small businesses in a country. These businesses also play a major role in facilitating self employment in a country. Therefore it is important to evaluate whether the bank sector and the government is doing enough to facilitate the success of these small businesses.
Dependent variable; success of the small business in the economy.
Independent variables; lending by the banks, lending by the government, lending by the cities where the businesses exist.
Controlled variables;
Educational level of the business owners.
Nature of the businesses.
Availability of the customers.
Economic conditions in the region.
Location of the business
1. The banks and the government are giving the necessary assistance to the small businesses in the economy that is facilitating their existence. The research will be proving whether this hypothesis is true or not.
Selection and justification of the appropriate research design to research the topic:
In the study, it is important to collect both qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data will evaluate whether there are services that these business owners fail to get from the banks and the government making it difficult to operate the businesses. Quantitative data collected from the records of these businesses will show whether these organizations are really giving any valuable assistance to the small businesses (Silverman, 2006). In this regard, the best research design is quasi experimental design. This design is appropriate in that the aim of the research is to find out how government and support from the banks facilitate the success of the small businesses. The research will ignore other variables that may affect the success of the small businesses. In the year 2000, the world bank stated that 65 percent of the small businesses stop their operations due to lack of financial support (Silverman, 2006). This financial support could have come from either the government agencies or from the banks. This shows that financial support of the small scale businesses depend on financial support. Therefore the success of the small scale businesses is positively related to the financial assistance.
Analysis of the data.
Cross tabulation can be done to find out which of the two; government and banks, play a greater role in facilitating the success of the small businesses. Correlation coefficients can be found to find out how the success of the small businesses is influenced by the support by both the government and the banks. Qualitative data can also be cleaned to clearly describe the services provided by the organizations to the small business owners to facilitate their success.
Kumar, R. (2011). Research methodology: A step-by-step guide for beginners. Los Angeles [u.a.: SAGE.
Maree, K., & Van, . W. C. N. (2009). Head start in designing research proposals in the social sciences. Lansdowne, Cape Town: Juta.
Silverman, D. (2006). Interpreting qualitative data: Methods for analyzing talk, text and interaction. London [u.a.: Sage.