The movie revolves around a famous commander and ruler in the Greek history named Alexander the great. The movie shows how the leader was ruthless in battling his enemies and his quest to expand his empire. In his battles, he was actively involved unlike other emperors who sent soldiers to the battle and remained behind. From a tender age of 25 years, he was muscular enough to fight in battles.
In the introductory part of the movie, he is depicted as a young determined soldier from the Greeks. He fought in many battles and expanded his territory. His only obstacle to expanding the territory all over the world was the Indians. When he became the emperor, he used only five years to conquer and take over the Persian Empire which was a sworn enemy to the Greek empire. His empire then expanded to Egypt, and modern Afghanistan making the largest ever empire in history. His power and strength is believed to be inheritance from his ancestors where his father is believed to be from Hercules lineage.
After taking over Persia in a bloody battle, and easily expanding his empire to Egypt and Afghanistan, Alexander the Great planned to conquer India. The main obstacles to his move were the two great river s that his troops had to cross to get into India and the well trained army that India had. He used boats and canoes to get them through the first river and his prowess in the battle field is up again.
In the major battle, the Indians had the number advantage over Alexander but he sees a chance of destroying the whole Indian army when their leader ordered the right wing soldiers to change position and reinforce the left wing. This gave Alexander an advantage which he utilized. Though the battle was not easy to emerge victorious, he eventually won and expanded his empire.
His quest to take over the rest of India made him penetrate deeper into India but when he was confronted by 300000 Indian soldiers, his army advised him to let go of his quest and instead return back to his home empire. He died at the age of 33 years and was put in a casket back in Egypt where it is believed to be his origin.
In conclusion, Alexander appears to have intelligence and great tactics that helped him win battles. He always keenly studied the defense arrangement of his opponents and used any slight mistake that the arrangement had to his advantage, therefore, he was an excellent solder who can be said to be a genius in the battle field. Truly, he is a significant figure head in the battle strategies