Behavior Modification Journal
Healthy living is the secret to a long and healthy life. However, most people in the world today do not adhere to the principles of healthy living. This goes down to how people behave and their attitude towards living healthy lifestyles. People tend to give up the opportunity to live a healthy life for a lavish lifestyle which is unhealthy. It is important that people realize the importance of living healthy lifestyles. They should therefore be made aware of the negative impacts of the lavish and unhealthy lifestyles on their individual health. Furthermore, there should be efforts to familiarize such people about the perceptions, feelings and thoughts that come along with healthy living.
The idea of behavior modification involves people making personal decisions concerning their lifestyles in order to improve their health lifestyle. Those individuals who realize the importance of healthy living usually modify their behavior to suit the appropriate healthy standards. A behavior modification journal plays an important role in ensuring that individuals know the benefits of healthy living. It also guides on the behaviors that need to be modified in order to improve on the quality of life and individual lives. The implementation of the behavior modification will be in line with the journal. The journal will touch on four main behaviors that require modification for those who are involved in such activities.
Drug abuse is the most common behavior that negatively affects healthy living. Abuse of drugs includes alcohol consumption, injecting drugs and smoking. Smoking is in fact, the most widespread of all forms of drug abuse. There are cases where small children smoke due to the negative influence around them. Therefore, behavior modification guides on smoking drugs like hooka and cigarettes will be important in helping such people quit smoking. Smoking hooka puts an individual at risk of contracting respiratory diseases as well as cancer of the throat or lungs. Quitting smoking is a gradual process where the smoker constantly reduces the frequency with which they smoke until they totally do away with the behavior.
Sleeping habits should also be reassessed by most people because the amount of sleep one gets determines their health in some way. Adequate sleep enables individuals to get sufficient rest and enable the body to work efficiently. It is scientifically proven that the at least 7 hours of sleep daily will enable the human body to be strong and improve its immunity. Therefore, individuals should reorganize their sleeping habits and has sufficient sleep rather than engage in other less healthy activities.
Body exercise is also very important for healthy living. Most people do not do any exercises, not even a walk. Frequent exercise makes the body flexible and helps in burning excess fat and calories in the body. This will in turn reduce any chances of obesity as well as improving body fitness and positive attitude. Therefore, going to the gym at least twice a week and doing other physical exercises like sprints and jogs will be very appropriate behavior modifications that will improve the quality of life of any person. Finally, the behavior modification journal guides people on how to regulate their body weight. The body weight should be maintained at a moderate level, not obese and not too light. This can be implemented by closely monitoring the BMI. BMI shows the relationship between the height and body weight. Individuals can dictate their body weight by eating healthy and balanced diets while doing exercise.
The behavior journal is intended to provide an appropriate outline that will guide individuals on how to change their unhealthy behaviors like smoking, lack of exercise, inadequate sleep and body weight issues into healthy habits. Healthy habits will improve the quality of life as well as promoting positive attitude towards life in general.