What is BHHS?
According to Coppa and Hickman-Allen (n.d), BHHS stands for Behavioral Health and Human Sciences. BHHs involves the study of human behavior and human development within the context of the biophysical, social, and psychological environment in which individuals live (p.3).
What is the correct name of the degree and/or certificates you are pursuing?
The correct name of the degree I am pursuing is Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree in Behavioral Health/Human Services. Besides AAS degree, there are two certificates which constitute BHHS program which include Human Services and Recovery and Transformation (previously known as Addiction Studies) (p.4).
What is a field practicum?
A practicum is a learning environment that has a classroom component and a fieldwork experience which takes a total of 156 hours and help students to maximize their learning in both classroom and the field (p.6).
What is the first step in securing a field practicum?
The first step in securing a field practicum is to get advice from a BHHS faculty advisor who determines if one meet the pre-requisites for either BHHS 213 or BHHS 195 (p.9).
What other information stood out for you?
Other information that stood out from the book is the requirement of security clearance before being allowed to begin placement. I have learned that the clearances include fingerprinting, child abuse, and criminal background checks (p.9). Furthermore, information that will be very useful include the need to sign BHHS Practicum Commitment Agreement (p.11), standards of practice for BHHS students (p.13), and Professional Attire during placement (p.16), field placement information packet available in the appendix (p.18), how to make the best of supervision (p.24), and how to become a successful student (p.26).
Coppa, C. & Hickman-Allen, T. (n.d.). Behavioral Health/Human Services Student Handbook. Retrieved from: www.ccp.instructure.com/login/canvas