In order for the psychiatrists to be able to treat a condition effectively, the specific cause of the condition must be identified in order to come up with the best form of treatment. For example, in order to effectively treat a biological condition, the practitioners must have in place biological forms of treatment in order to treat the cause (King, 2012). With this is clear that the etiologies play a major role in order to come up with the best form of therapy for the patient. This essay will address the various forms of disorders and further stipulate the forms of therapy that can be used in order to be able to address these conditions.
Eating Disorder
This is a disorder that may come in various forms such as, anorexia nervosa, binge eating disorder or bulimia nervosa. These kinds of disorders are normally caused by the victim’s lifestyle choices and due to these choices they make; they will act in a manner that will, in turn, reciprocate in the disorders (King, 2012). These forms may include;
Anorexia nervosa
Anorexia nervosa may be said to be a condition that will always be characterized by the individuals always claiming they are overweight even in instances that their condition clearly shows that they are underweight. This condition will always tend to cause the victim to always have a restriction of what he or she eats in order to ensure that they do not increase in weight. This may include them not taking certain foods or starving themselves. These actions will always affect them in one way or the other, from the psychological effects to further it may affect their personal health. Due to these effects, the individuals will always in most instances have problems pertaining to their esteem issues and may in most instances be regarded as introverts. This may have fatal consequences on the individuals from them dying due to health complications caused by them starving themselves and at times the psychological problems may lead to them committing suicide.
Binge-eating disorder
This disorder will in most instances, be similar to the Bulimia nervosa due to the fact that the individuals who are affected by this disorder will always tend to lack control of what they eat and the amounts they eat. They frequently eat, whether they are hungry or not. These individuals will always in most instances tend to be either obese or overweight. Due to this fact, they will always end up being ashamed of their weight and in most instances, they will be introverts or have a low self-esteem. In order to try and combat this condition, these individuals will always tend to constantly be on a diet or continuously try and exercise; however, they may tend not to lose weight as they desire.
Bulimia nervosa
This is the eating disorder where the individuals will always have the tendency of continuously eating and the amounts of foods they intake will always be large portions and they tend to lack control of the situation. These individuals would then decide to counter these situations by making irrational decisions such as forcefully vomiting or continuous intake of laxatives and may tend to exercise continuously. However, due to this way of life, these individuals may maintain a normal weight. However, this condition may reciprocate in various health and psychological issues such as, them always being shy to eat around other and dehydration which may, in turn, reciprocate in other health issues in the long run.
Therapies applicable
For example, the individuals who are victims of the Anorexia nervosa will in most instances be required to be taken through the psychotherapies which will enable the victims or the society around the victim to be able to be taught on the various ways that they can be able to combat this issue (King, 2012). These forms of psychotherapies may be used to improve the victim’s self-esteem which is among the effects of this disorder.
Cognitive behavioral therapy
This is the therapy that is aimed at ensuring that the victim’s and the societies eating behaviors are changed in the long run. This may be used to combat the various eating disorders such as binge-eating and Bulimia nervosa. This is due to the fact that these conditions will in most cases be caused by the ways of lives of these individuals. This process will always enable these individuals to be able to vividly know the exact behavior that has caused the disorder and hence this form of therapy will ensure that these individuals change this exact behavior and hence will help reduce this exact condition.
This is a form of treatment which will always be used in most instances to ensure that the victim is able to combat the effects of the condition. This may be used to effectively tackle the effects of depression and the other effects that may come about due to the disorder. For example, dehydration and heart diseases that may be caused by obesity. The victims may be prescribed various medications such as anti-depressants and mood stabilizers.
These methods of combating these disorders will not only be used to combat the eating disorder instances but may be used when tackling the various causes of mental illness. This is due to the fact that in some instances, mental illness may be caused by the individual’s behavior (King, 2012). One the therapists have been able to adequately determine this as the cause of illness, they will be able to decide the exact type of therapy that will be used in order to be able to give out the best results.
In instances that the individuals may be a victim of anxiety disorders, the individual may be taken through the cognitive-behavioral therapy, which will enable the therapists to be able to face their fears, through the change of their perception pertaining to the exact disorder. For example, in cases that the problem is the individual having a phobia of the dark or of heights this will be of great help. In some instances, the therapists may decide on using the exposure therapies in order to make the affected individual be able to adequately tackle these instances of these forms of disorders (King, 2012).
In conclusion, in order to be able to effectively address a particular disorder, the therapists, and the medical practitioners are always mandated to be able to effectively determine the exact therapy that they may be used in order to adequately be of great help to the affected individual. This is mainly due to the fact that these disorders are always caused by different factors, from the individual’s behavior to their genes or even their surroundings. So once one has been able to clearly determine the origin of the disorder, they will know what exactly to use to address the issue.
King, L. (2012). Experience psychology.McGraw-Hill Higher Education.