The article puts across the concept of ‘Birth Orders’ in a very clear and lucid manner.
Birth order forms an important part of one’s personality and many behavioral traits of a
person are based upon his/her birth order in the family. This argument forms the gist of
the article and sufficiently explains what the author has to say. Apart from the person’s
personal personality traits, Birth order also drives the attitude of other family members
towards the person. Author elaborates on the point by stating how the eldest child is often
regarded as the most capable and responsible, while the youngest are the most care free
with an inferiority complex of being less capable ingrained in their psyche. The author also
mentions the attitude of the middle child and the only child to establish his point very
The most important and significant take away idea from the article is about how Birth
Order influences the person to develop specific attitudes towards himself and other people
and how this indeed plays a paramount role in shaping many specific behavioral and
personality traits and patters, unique to the particular birth order. Birth orders inculcate
some very important changes in a person’s way of thinking and acting, which are according
I have many friends who belong to different birth orders and their behaviors and attitudes
Offer lot of varieties. While the one who are youngest in their family are the most
pampered, care free and irresponsible, the ones belonging to oldest birth order are much
more responsible, caring and protective of their younger ones. The only children or the
single children in their family are always insecure and want some protection around them
always. My personal experience is in cognizance with the observations of the article and hence validates the findings and results.