In fast food industry operations and supply chain is one of the core areas where every company has to focus on to get the desired result. In United States few of the fast food giants provide different experiences of food and services. Hamburgers are one of the favourite fast food for most of the fast food lovers and amongst teenagers. Preparation of food, its taste, ingredients, variety of toppings and delivery on time are few of the issues count in operations that do matter for customers to experience the services and feel the difference. McDonalds and Wendy’s are the few big companies who provide different taste and experience to its customers in terms of operations and supply management. All these fast food companies made their own mark in preparing hamburgers. Operations of any company depend mainly on the processes. In fast food companies operations does matter a lot to satisfy the customer base.
In all the fast food companies McDonalds follows a very simple yet hybrid process in making hamburgers under its operations and supply management and in delivering it to the customer. McDonalds gathers and prepare the raw material in making hamburger and then cook it. Keep the product work in process on a large pan and when customer make an order for the hamburger it prepares it and deliver. It followed a speedy response in its process in delivering hamburger to its customers. Wendy’s follows makes to order process under its operation and supply management strategy. In this Wendy’s prepare the raw material and cook it if customers order it within the stipulated time it instantly delivers the hamburger to customers and if it crosses the time limit it used in the chilli soup.
Chase, et. al. (2008). Operations Management for Competitive Advantage. TATA McGraw Hill.