Setting priorities
High cost for stress-related illness can lead to absenteeism
Good idea to conduct interviews to find out levels, causes, and extent of stress in the workplace, such as low morale caused by stress
Numerous Stress Reduction Techniques; Various tapes to teach relaxation; Proper Nutrition; Physical activity to relieve stress; Counseling
Stress-management workshops very successful in California
Wellness campaign; Savings per employee add up to $6150 per year
Learning how to get along with co-workers; Interpersonal communication; Teamwork intensifies stress
Understanding what causes stress in the workplace.
Conduct interviews to find out levels, causes, and extent of stress in the workplace.
Teamwork intensifies stress.
Lack of interpersonal communication.
Low morale.
Setting Priorities to manage stress in the workplace.
Stress management workshop.
Very successful in California
Wellness Campaign saves the company up to $6150 per employee per year.
Stress reduction techniques.
Proper Nutrition
Physical activity
The following memo aims to draw attention to the ever increasing problems associated with work-related stress that are costly to the company and reduce productivity further impacting the organization in a harmful manner. The memo will be split up into three segments that should be the focal points: 1) understanding what is creating the stress, 2) setting priorities for managing the stress, and 3) stress reduction techniques.
In order to address the problem of stress, the first step would be through identification of what is creating these stressful situations in the organization. The management has found that often times the stress that develops among team members when forced to work together is a common complaint. However, this may be associated with the lack of interpersonal communication that could be addressed by the company. There is evidence of low morale that exists and perpetuates from the stress that employees are experiencing in the workplace.
It is crucial that priorities are developed immediately to begin management of the stress levels that are occurring within the office. One of our California branches has taken on creating a wellness plan that has done incredibly well in lowering stress-related work problems, which we should consider implementing in the present corporate office. Not only will the environment be much more pleasant for the employees and management, but the company is capable of saving nearly $6,150 per employee per year by utilizing this method.
A few of the most valuable stress reduction techniques that the California branch has implemented that other corporate wellness programs have used should be considered for the current office. More attention and discussion of proper nutrition in addition to physical activity is emphasized by management and made a priority. Additionally, for certain circumstances access to counseling is also a useful tool to help reduce employee stress levels.