SFX : music
Announcer: Diet Coke presents: News Makers Hall of Fame
Singer: (News Makers Hall of Fame)
Announcer: Today we salute you Mr. Fake hair wearer
Singer: (Mr. Fake hair wearer)
Announcer: Hey you Mr. periwig-pated fellow, even Shakespeare would be disappointed in your unnatural acts. But that doesn’t worry you; you keep wearing it every day.
Singer: (Periwig-pated fellow)
Announcer: You were once heard saying your wig has grown longer.
Singer: (Ooh what a joke)
Announcer: It’s no joke! You do everything in it. Shower, shave, and you gel it like it’s your real hair.
Singer: (Come on now, yeah!)
Announcer: So crack open an ice cold Diet Coke Mr. Fake hair guy. ‘Cause we all know you need one to cool off you bald head.
Singer: (Mr. Fake hair wearer)
SFX : music
Announcer: Diet Coke presents: News Makers Hall of Fame
Singer: (News Makers Hall of Fame)
Announcer: Today we salute you Mr. Supper-time timer guy
Singer: (Mr. Supper-time timer guy)
Announcer: you miraculously appear on the door right in the nick of time. Just when supper is about to be served
Singer: (What’s for supper today?)
Announcer: You stand there on the door waiting for an invitation to stay for supper. And you never say you are busy, or was just saying hey.
Singer: (When will you invite me for supper at your house?)
Announcer: You never cook at your house; just spying at your neighbor’s house.
Singer: (are you spying on me neighbor?)
Announcer: So crack open an ice cold Diet Coke Mr. Super-time timer guy. For today there is no super!
Singer: (Mr. Supper-time timer guy)
News Makers Hall of Fame
SFX: (music) (two men appear on a studio, replicating news anchor)
Presenter #1 (Jim): Hello and welcome to Bud Light News Makers Hall of Fame. Well are your hosts Jim and Larry. Larry, you were telling me that today there is someone who really needs an ice cold Bud Light.
Presenter #2 (Larry): this is the man who fought with the rooster. We call him Mr. Rooster fighter. This guy makes his way back into the upcountry only to be chased by a very brave rooster.
SFX: (laughs)
Larry: I heard that he yelled so loud, the rooster bust its eardrums. An ice cold Bud Light for the Man who fought the rooster. You have entered our News Makers Hall of Fame.
Jim: An interesting way to become famous Mr. Rooster Fighter.