When people talk about the weather on earth, they speak in terms of temperature, air pressure, the direction and speed of wind, humidity, whether it is cloudy or windy, and whether snow or rain is falling. Basically, when people talk about the conditions of the weather, they talk about the conditions of the atmosphere which are susceptible to change from time to time. Like in earth, there is also a weather pattern experience in space which is completely different from that experienced on earth. For instance, one cannot possibly have wind if there is no air. However, many scientists have argued that there is a possible similarity between the weather on earth and space. According to the NASA scientists, the sun in space gives much radiation and sometimes it emits less. Also, the sun emits charged particles (not air) referred as solar wind. It is also noted that the pressure and speed of the solar wind changes with time. There are also a lot of magnetic fields in the space which control the motion of the charged particles (Mohr 113). The directions and the strength of the magnetic fields changes according to the intensity of the charged particles that are to be driven. The main factors that make up the weather of the space are: changes in radiation, the magnetic fields, the solar winds, and other factors that make up the space weather. The weather of the space begins at the sun. The intensity of energy given out by the sun is the regulating factor of the space weather. Present in the space is the storms of the sun, known as solar flares and coronal mass ejections. The space has cycles like the 11-year long sunspot cycle which is characterized by storm and calm space (Mohr 115).
Ionosphere is the area in the world’s upper atmosphere. It is the region which occurs between 60 km to 1000 km altitude and encompasses of the thermosphere, mesosphere, and exosphere. The region is ionized by the radiations of the sun and plays a crucial role in atmospheric electrical power. In addition, the ionosphere forms the innermost periphery of the magnetosphere. The area is of much importance because it plays a role in influencing the radio propagation on distance places from the earth. The region is also comprised of shells of electrons and charged molecules and atoms that surround the surface of the earth. The existence of ionosphere is mainly owed to ultraviolet radiations from the solar system. In the stratosphere region, incoming solar radiations create the ozone layer. Above the stratosphere, within the thermosphere area, the atmosphere is slim in a manner that the free electrons subsist for a little period before they are confined by the positive ions in the nearby region (Kelley 34). The amount of the free electrons is enough to influence the radio proliferation. Within the thermosphere region, there is a segment of the air which is ionized and has plasma referred as the ionosphere. The plasma has negative free of charge electrons and positive ions which are brought together by means of electrostatic forces. However, the electrons and the ions are very brisk to stay permanent jointly in a powered neutral particle. The X-ray radiations, the Ultraviolet, and the solar radiation are ionizing, because the photons at such wavelengths have enough power to remove electrons from neutral gas atoms when absorption occurs. Ionization at the ionosphere is depended on the radiation from the sun and other activities. Therefore, there is a diurnal and seasonal effect. The amount of radiation received is also depended on the geographical location: equatorial, polar, mid-latitudes, and aurora regions (Kelley 45).
Freezing is the process where objects are turned into solid forms due to extremely low temperatures. For instance, liquids in the space are turned to solid forms due to the low temperatures. Temperature and pressure at the space is significantly low. For instance, when the body of human beings is uncovered in the space, wounds start to take place right away. Although they may appear slight at first, they build up swiftly to severe combinations. Due to the reduction of external pressure, gas inside the lungs and digestive territory expand. However, despite the low temperature and pressure, metals do not freeze, only liquids freeze in such conditions. Therefore, the home-made satellite cannot freeze; however, some components of the satellite may cease functioning in the right way (Baker 2). Because this is a home-made satellite, the components that makes it are not as sophisticated as those used by NASA. The components are low quality and might therefore not operate in the harsh conditions of the space. The most important point is that the satellite will not freeze because it is not a liquid. In a vacuum, liquids have extremely low boiling point such that they can vaporize easily. It is for this reason that most objects exist in space in either gaseous or solid state. Thus, while the liquids will vaporize to liquids, solids will keep their states, just like the satellite. For instance, when astronauts take a leak in space, it boils in a violent way. The vapor then turns into a solid immediately in a process called de-sublimation. The final result is a cloud of fine crystals of frozen urine. In the ionosphere, the home-made satellite will not freeze but it may cease to operate in the intended way (Baker 5).
Works Cited
Baker, D. N., et al. "Effects of space weather on technology infrastructure." Space Weather 2.2 (2004).
Mohr, Tillmann, and Johannes Schmetz. "Weather observations from space." Utilization of Space. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2006. 111-130.
Kelley, Michael C. The Earth's Ionosphere: Plasma Physics & Electrodynamics. Vol. 96. Academic press, 2009.