National health services is an organization where, I work as health protection director. Health protection requires a strong team to conduct research and development. Team building requires decisions making and effective communication to build a team (Pain, & Harwood, 2009). Before making team, it requires three steps to be considered as a leader(Connor, & Yballe,2007). These three steps are as follow: to evaluate the skills of team members, train the team member and define goals. Knowledge and skills of team members are necessary for productive work. Training of team member helps them to learn quickly. Goals are direction for the team to achieve targets.
BEI Question:
Behavioral event interview helps in hiring an individual (Chen, 2010). BEI question as follows:
In which public health organization did you work? What difficulties did you face in team building? How did you come up with that situation? How much your team was effective?
This question will help in finding experience of candidate. Second part of question ensures the difficulties which candidate faced in team building. Third part of question will help to find situation in which he overcomes situation. Fourth part will help to determine the behavior while working in stress and pressure. From these questions, a candidate will be evaluated. If he answers correctly then he will be hired otherwise rejected.
STAR method:
STAR method is used to demonstrate the response of interview question. Let us consider above question for an interview for which i have to response.
Situation: For instance, let us take example of real life. In 2008, was working for WHO as health researcher. One day I picked up call that call was from NHS. They asked same question and I respond in such a way. I worked in WHO and I faced no problem in team building. However, it was difficult for us work in team having different cultures and languages.
Action: In our teamwork, it was decided to meet before doing any task then we planned for achieving target. We bring all resources to gather and implement the strategies in our teamwork.
Result: Our team’s research in health promotion first time published in advance health Journal.
Pain, M., & Harwood, C. (2009). Team Building Through Mutual Sharing and Open Discussion of Team Functioning. Sport Psychologist, 23, 523–542.
Chen, L. (2010). Behavioral interview and its implementation. In Proceedings - 3rd International Conference on Information Management, Innovation Management and Industrial Engineering, ICIII 2010 (Vol. 1, pp. 74–76). doi:10.1109/ICIII.2010.23
O’Connor, D., & Yballe, L. (2007). Team Leadership: Critical Steps To Great Projects. Journal of Management Education. doi:10.1177/1052562905282158