Business law, which is also referred to as the commercial law, is a body of rules and regulations, whether by convectional agreement, national or international legislation, are used to govern the dealings between individuals in commercial matters (Miller, Roger, Gaylord and Jentz, 98). Through this business law class, I have been equipped with an immense amount of knowledge and critical thinking skills on matters regarding the legal aspect concerning business entities and dealings. I am now conversant with how business contracts are carried out and the binding principles underlying them, the work ethics involved issues in regard to negotiable instruments, warranties and consumer law among many other highly informative topics in business law. However, the law of Torts stands out as my favorite topic in comparison to all other topics and i really enjoyed reading about it.
An injury to a person by another individual or business entity is known as a tort. The law of tort has completely managed to open up my eyes to the world of realism in the context of law. Since it is broken down into three specific parts, intentional, negligence and strict liability (Miller, Roger, Gaylord and Jentz, 104), it seeks to solve various cases that I previously thought would be pardoned or are not punishable by the law. In fact, when I sit and try to reflect on the past, I find so many instances when I was a victim of tort but without the knowledge I got recently from my Business law class, I did not realize any form of law infringement. Nonetheless nowadays I take all situations into account and relate them to this law.
For instance, lately, I was having a cup of coffee in a nearby restaurant, I would not help but notice a huge decoration in the form of an airplane above my table. I thought to myself, suppose someone was sitting on this table and the deco falls and hurts that client, what would be the legal implication? This would probably fall under strict liability unless they are able to prove beyond unreasonable doubt that it was not out of negligence since they could have used a lighter material to decorate the place instead of using the heavy material that would end up hurting the clients badly if an accident occurred. With similar and numerous probable circumstances in our day to day life, I am happy that I have been equipped with adequate knowledge in business law and would be able to explain most of this cases without the help of an attorney.
Works cited
Miller, Roger L. R, and Gaylord A. Jentz. Business Law Today: The Essentials : Text &
Summarized Cases : E-Commerce, Legal, Ethical, and International Environment. Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2008. Print.