The campaign period begins in Iowa, and the candidates take this time to communicate with the supporters on the way forward. Each of the candidates takes enough time with the supporters during the candidacy launch.
Overton, who is a candidate in the elections, takes this time to thank his supporters for their willingness to see him win the elections. He fetches his support from different groups of people. He chooses to announce his candidacy officially to the people who would work with him in his campaign. The members of his church were of exclusive significance, and he thanks them for the support of his dream. In addition, the family was supporting him in his bid as a politician. In his meeting, Overton was selling his political aims to the supporters and sharing the ideas that he wishes to employ a bid to win the election. It is a time to make the society aware of his candidacy. His speech shows the much trust he has on the people who had turned up to the meeting.
On the other hand, candidate Erbes takes her time to portray his gratitude to the many people who were willing to support her during for the forthcoming politics. She meets with people of different classes who had been attached to her in one way or the other. The supporters converge at GreenField to extend their hand of support to her.
Erbes’ campaign strategy seems effective. It would yield massive benefits if executed accordingly. She calls all people from her past to the present. In her candidacy-announcing meeting, there are field from her high school, which shows the deep roots of her strategy. The presence of the different people encourages her bid in the forthcoming elections. She authoritatively says she is going to win the elections.