(Student’s Full Name)
According to Jack Rink, “lean manufacturing” has the “potential to eventually stem the tide of job loss” (par. 8). Rink is also of the opinion that lean manufacturing can reduce operating costs for companies in the United States. However, some persons are unsure if lean manufacturing will work in the American context because this type of manufacturing goes beyond the “traditional cost reduction efforts” since it requires that each activity be analyzed to “determine if it adds value in the eyes of the customer” (Rink par. 11). On the other hand, this approach to manufacturing is necessary for the United States so as to ensure that operating costs are at “all levels” of the manufacturing process (Rink par. 9). Furthermore, it will help US companies prevent jobs from being transferred to emerging markets and even the Third World. Hence, it is because of this fact that I am supporting that more companies use principles adhering to lean manufacturing.
It is understandable that many U.S. companies will find it difficult to adhere to the principles related to lean manufacturing since it requires that may processes be “challenged” and even done away with (Rink par. 14). These processes include, but are not limited to, the following: “inspection,” “equipment adjustment,” “material handling,” and “inventory control” (Rink par. 14). When processes such as these are re-assessed to determine their value to the customer then it would lead to the reduction of defects. When the defects are reduced then the need for “generally labor-intensive rework” will lessen (Rink par. 18). Consequently, U.S. companies will no longer see the need to hire “low-cost labor” overseas (Rink par. 18).
In addition, lean manufacturing not only will help U.S. companies not rely on hiring cheaper labor overseas, but it will also lessen the need to operate overseas where “environmental controls are less restrictive” (Rink par. 19). When principles of lean manufacturing are employed then the company will most likely eliminate processes that create “byproducts” that are costly to dispose of (Rink par. 19).
In conclusion, U.S. companies will benefit tremendously from implementing the principles related to lean manufacturing. This is because it will help to reduce the number of defects within the manufacturing process, thus lessening the need for a company to hire laborers to correct these defects. Additionally, the reduction of defects during the manufacturing process will reduce the need for U.S. companies to outsource work. Moreover, when a company implements the principles of lean manufacturing then it will rid itself of “byproducts” that are not only expensive to dispose of, but impacts negatively on the environment (Rink par. 19). This will also decrease the need for a company to relocate its manufacturing to a country with less stringent environmental controls compared to that in the U.S.
Work Cited
Rink, Jack. “Lean Manufacturing can Save American Manufacturing.” Lean Manufacturing Can Save American Manufacturing. Noria Corporation. Web. 08 Feb. 2016. <http://www.reliableplant.com/Read/137/lean-manufacturing-american>.