I was contended with the FOCUS 2 results and nothing really surprised me because the outcomes reflected my true personality. Besides, the results were consistent with my career goals. In fact, I plan to complete my bachelor’s degree and get a master’s degree. FOCUS 2 listed accounting clerk as my possible occupation. This is a good fit based on my skills. For instance, I am a good listener and always pay attention to what others are saying and take time to comprehend what they are trying to put across. Additionally, I am good at managing money. For instance, I find it easier to determine the amount of money required to complete a particular job in addition to accounting for all expenditures. I also find it easier to use statistics and/or mathematics to solve problems.
The results also showed that I exhibit a wide range of skills and values including mathematic skills, managing money, and listening skills. In addition to these skills, I value prestige, physical things, and income. Having income will enhance my financial independence and prestige will help me gain the respect of others. The possible jobs or career paths that are consistent with my academic strengths, work interests, personality, skills, and values include Chief Financial Officer, Bank and Branch manager, Finance Analyst, Accounting Clerk and Advertising Sales Promotion Manager. The Holland Code fit with my intended occupation in FOCUS-2. The code is in line with the skills that one needs to perform the job. Additionally, it is a good match based on my interest area. This outcome has provided me with a highlight on what to focus on career wise.
Some of the academic majors that would result to my career of interest include mathematics, physical education, performing arts (Dance, Drama, and Music), foreign languages, engineering, and art. I do not have any intention of changing my major because I am doing what I love best. Working with numbers is my hobby and would like a career that involves critical thinking, solving problems using statistics or mathematical concepts. Based on the presentation provided by the Career Services and my discussions in class, the following three resources/people on campus can assist me with the career planning process: the faculty, Career Centre’s Career Information Library, and attending career related events. In fact, there are a wide range of videos and books in career center that might help me identify great jobs based on my professions, personalities, interests, and majors. Additionally, the career center has company information video and binders as well as trade publications and directories that might help me in getting in touch with my potential employers. By attending career –related events, I will have the opportunity to discuss with employers. I can also participate in company information meetings that happen in campus.
My career and academic goals for the next semester is to excel in all my majors so that I can get my dream job as well as enroll in a master’s degree program. Therefore, my academic goals include getting good grades, doing extensive research on my major, and seeking the help of lecturers in areas that I do not understand. My career goal is to become a powerful organization manager. For these reasons, the above resources will be of great help in achieving my career and academic goals. Through the resources, I can gain significant insights regarding the attributes of a good manager; the courses that I should base my focus on to realize my career goals, as well as the quality of candidates that employers pursue. Therefore, through these resources, I will focus on enhancing my skills and focusing on courses that will help me acquire a great job with the company of my choice.
In conclusion, FOCUS-2 was a great experience for me. It provided me with significant insights regarding my skills, career strengths, values, and personality. In addition to these traits, it provided me with a snap shot of careers that might interest me in the healthcare sector, business, counseling, and teaching. These career choices were based on my skills including listening skills, problem solving skills, and mathematic skills. I therefore intend to work hard to realize both my academic and career goals.
Work Cited
FOCUS-2. Web.17Feb.2016. http://www.focuscareer2.com/LoggedIn/MainMenu.cfm?Unique={ts%20%272016-02-17%2008:53:08%27}&CFID=10238336&CFTOKEN=333289ced8db3de6-5B01F217-B82A-72DD-7468E8F8161A8D9F