Part 1
Short final summary
My high scores were 6 and 7 as shown in the table above indicating that holistically I am a team oriented, consultative, value-based and participative leader. The lowest score of 3 in autonomy confirms that I very much consult with the team members as I do not impose decisions on them.
Part 2
Two best fit-in countries: Greece and Guatemala
The basis for choosing the two countries as best to fit in is their cultural orientations concerning leadership as evidenced by their scores. Greece and Guatemala have cultures that endorse leadership values similar to my leadership style. As House, Hanges, Javidan, Dorfman and Gupta (2004) argue, people within a particular cultural context have a particular idea about what good leadership entails. As such, the ratings shown in the table depict what people from Greece and Guatemala think about leadership which resonates well with my scores, hence, my conclusion that I would best fit in the two countries.
Two worst fitting countries
Morocco and Mexico would be worst fit-in for me based on the cultural attitudes towards leadership styles similar to ones I have. Based on the scores, it is clear that charisma, team orientation, self-protective, participative and human oriented styles are differently regarded from my cultural context. I, therefore, would have a hard time fitting into the cultural contexts of the two countries.
Part 3
Hofstede’s cultural dimensions
The culture description for 2 best-fitting countries
Power distance: 60 score being an almost mid score shows that the society recognizes and embraces power indifferences.
Individualism: 35 is a low score implying that collectivism is embraced in the culture.
Masculinity: 57 is a medium score implying that the society is success and competition conscious.
Uncertainty avoidance: 100 score is high implying the society is uncomfortable concerning ambiguity.
Power distance: A high of 95 implies that power differences are accepted as a way of life.
Individualism: A low of 6 implies that collectivism is highly upheld in the culture.
Masculinity: A moderately low score of 37 implies that the culture is moderate on competition.
Uncertainty avoidance: A high score of 99 implies that the country dislikes ambiguity.
The culture description for 2 worst-fitting countries
Power distance: high score implies that hierarchy is esteemed in the society.
Individualism: low score implies that the society is collectivist in nature.
Masculinity: high score implying high competition in the society.
Uncertainty avoidance: High score indicating that the country highly prefers avoiding uncertainty.
Power distance: A high of 70 implies that hierarchy is esteemed in the society.
Individualism: An almost intermediate score of 40 implies that the society is collectivist in nature.
Masculinity: A moderate score of 53 indicates that the society moderates on competition.
Uncertainty avoidance: A high score of 68 indicates that the country highly prefers avoiding uncertainty.
House, R. (2004). Culture, leadership, and organizations: the GLOBE study of 62 societies. Thousand Oaks, Calif: Sage Publications.
House, R., Hanges, P., Javidan, M., Dorfman, P. & Gupta, V. (2004). Culture, Leadership, and Organizations: The GLOBE Study of 62 Societies. Thousand Oaks: SAGE Publications, Inc.