Nuc stands for Nucleus. This is an organelle found in the eukaryotic cells, which is enclosed in a membrane. There are various functions of a nucleus. Cell nuclei store genetic information. It maintains the security of the gene and acts as a control center of the cell.
Flag is short for Flagella, a tail-like end piece of the cell that is structured to propel the cell and enable it to swim through liquid (Vail and Herreid).
ER is the Endoplasmic Reticulum. It is responsible for metabolic processes, membrane and protein synthesis, and also involved with distribution and storage.
Mito stands for Mitochondrion. It is in charge of ATP production, which means making energy for the cell.
Golgi means Golgi apparatus, and it is responsible for processing proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates, as well as sorting, modifying, and secreting cell products.
Chlora is chloroplast. It carries out photosynthesis and converts the energy found in sunlight into chemical energy and stores it in sugar molecules.
Ves stands for vesicles, and its function is to store and transport materials from one place to another
Lys stands for lysosomes, and these breakup and process the food in a cell.
Autogenic means being self-generated or produced from within. The autogenic hypothesis means that the structures and organelles of a eukaryotic cell were generated and created by a prokaryotic cell
The autogenic hypothesis is supported by the scientific observation that DNA is transferred between species of bacteria, even if these species are not closely related (Vail and Herreid).
Endosymbiotic hypothesis is a theory stating that the chloroplasts and mitochondria that are located within the eukaryotic cells were initially inaugurated as spontaneous -living prokaryotic organisms.
The proof of the endosymbiotic hypothesis is that both mitochondrion and chloroplasts have prokaryotic cells that are remarkably similar to each other.
The strengths of these two hypotheses are that they both have evidence to support their theories. The shortcomings of these two hypotheses are the flagella. Endosymbiotic theory states that the flagella from bacteria that are spirochaete-like in nature, which is corroborated by the seen occurrences of spirochaetes developing a symbiotic relationship with eukaryotes. But the autogenic theory maintains that the flagella lack its genome and that tubulin, the major protein of flagella, is evidence that eukaryotes are more closely associated to archaebacteria than to bacteria ("Function of the Nucleus").
Works Cited
"Function of the Nucleus." Free Math Worksheets, Free Phonics Worksheets, Math Games and Online Activities and Quizzes. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 June 2016. <>.
Vail, Stephanie, and Clyde Herreid. "Little Mito: The Story of Where He Came From." National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science (NCCSTS). N.p., n.d. Web. 27 June 2016.