The “Catch me if you can” movie is one of the most outstanding movies built on a true story. This movie revolves around Frank Abagnale, junior who genuinely adores his parents. Frank’s father is a conman, with several victims in different scam instances. As Frank grew up, he is aware of the existence of scam business. At the age of 16, Frank’s parents get choose to divorce, and Frank is requested to make the one he would leave with after the divorce. This becomes a terribly hard decision for him, and he runs away from any of the parents. For survival, he combined the traits that he had learnt from his father on scams with his creativity and charming appearance to acquire money (Minnow, 2003). He becomes extremely successful con men in history.
This review by Nell Minow is dreadfully informative as well as exhaustive on the movie. In the beginning of the review, the first paragraph tackles on the impact the movie should have to parents. Therefore, she chooses a path of explanation that would prevent parents from exposing children into fearful and immoral scenes. She describes the movie to parents as incorporated for ill social behaviors such as prostitution, which are behaviors that parents need to watch closely and extremely keenly. Scam is a vice that can be copied and be transferred from one person to another. It may be dangerous to children who witness their parents engaging into such behaviors.
As a movie, it should be a tool for humor as well as delivery of a message to the target group. This review has been developed in a way that brings clear analysis of the movie and a warning to parents following the effects that the movie may bring to children whom may watch it several times. Humor in the movie is subject to the setting developed in the movie. The whole movie is full of creativity, where out of a smile people in banks, government offices as well as private businesses are conned through the confusion of a smile of a young charming man (Minnow, 2003). This makes people fall into the trap of scams defining fall of their businesses. The entire game plan looks creative, which creates a sense of humor in the movie as depicted by the review.
The review is also successful in bringing out a movie that has all structures being well defined with every structure guarding its role perfectly. The review has provided a proper analysis of all elements that were present in the movie. She describes the results of the combination of elements in the movie as irresistible like its con man hero. She describes Frank’s role in the movie as outstanding at every instance and the source for the success of the movie.
Through the review, Nell Minow presents the movie as full of lessons and educative avenues for parents as well as for students. This is a reminder, showing the emphasis he may have on choosing traits from the movie. In the end of her analysis, she poses proper questions for discussions in a family. This bit of the review may be extremely fundamental in defining the role of the review. It presents the review educative in family issues. It makes families keen on certain sections of the movie as they watch the movie. These are explanations of values, which are likely to be extracted from the movie.
Therefore, the review by Nell Minow is educative and may be used by parents to guard the integrity among their children. The structure defines how parents’ actions may define the direction of children’s behavior. The review is built on a proper definition and understanding of the movie.
Work cited
Minnow, Nell. "Catch Me If You Can - Movie Review." Reviews and Ratings for Family Movies, TV Shows, Websites, Video Games, Books and Music. N.p., 17 May 2003. Web. 23 Dec. 2012.