Global warming is a condition whereby there is continued abnormal rise in the average temperatures, in the atmosphere. The main cause of global warming is due to the increase of the concentration in greenhouse gases, in the atmosphere (Haldar, 2011).
Greenhouse gases mainly include carbon and its compounds like methane, carbon dioxide and also the emissions coming from fossil fuels during combustion, deforestation that is major carbon sink globally also contributes to greenhouse gases increase (Haldar, 2011). Fossil fuels especially used in vehicles and industries also contribute to global warming in a major way and are as a result of human activities. These greenhouse gases form a blanket that traps heat in the atmosphere hence, the rise in temperatures (Haldar, 2011).
The effects of global warming include the rise in sea levels which are the main reason there is melting of ice at the tip icebergs and flooding especially in areas that are near the seas and oceans which are a change in the global cycling of water (Geographic, 2014). The increase in temperatures also results into a change in the pattern and also the amount of precipitation that an area receives.
Due to changes in precipitation pattern there are chances that, the arid and semi-arid regions may expand which changes the boundaries hence, change in the whole map system globally (Geographic, 2014). Melting of ice caps and icebergs can result into islands being cover hence displacement of individuals occupying such areas. More so, the shore can be flooded due to melting of ice which results into displacing all the individuals occupying such areas that may have industries for economic growth (Geographic, 2014).
Haldar, I. (2011). Global warming: The causes and consequences. New Delhi: Mind Melodies.
Geographic, N. (Director). (2014). Global Warming 101 [Motion Picture].