A problem faced by working parents is finding a suitable daycare for their little one. Making a choice between a professional, Center-based daycare versus an In-Home daycare center is one of the hardest decisions as both the choices have an equal number of positives and negatives. The purpose served by childcare is not simply that of babysitting the child; rather it is concerned with the child’s early development and to provide the child with an appropriate environment that would impose a positive impact on the child in its early years. (Baby center, 2016). The experience at different daycares is different for various families, and it boils down to the nurturing, care and development of the child, which is provided by the daycares respectively. There are even certain people who feel that it is best to keep the child at home under the direct supervision of the parents rather than sending the child to a daycare center because of the environment that can be present at these places and the possible negative impacts they can cast on the child’s development. (Bos.gov, 2016). However, not all parents, especially single and working parents, are able to take care of the child at home and give them a 100% of their time. Moreover, the in the very early stages, the child needs to be talked to and cared for which will enable the child to talk and learn new things very quickly. This is why most of the parents prefer to send their children to center-based or in-home daycares as per their preference. Hence, in order to judge whether which form of daycare is the best, there needs to be an analysis of the child’s cognitive and intellectual development as well as treatment of the child at the daycares. These parameters will help determine the advantages and disadvantages of center-based and in-home daycares.
Many parents and individuals are of the opinion that children that are kept in the home develop more effectively than children who are sent to daycare centers. However, daycares are also important and effective when they are weighed in light of the services they offer for the children. The main difference between the center based daycares and the in-home daycares is their setting and location. (Usmanova, 2014). The in-home daycares are present in someone’s home where the providers are local people who might even have children of their own. On the other hand, center based daycares are composed in an official setting where they are represented as day care centers, child care centers and they can be present separately as well as a part of a school, a nursery or pre-school. However, no matter what setting they are present and in what location these daycares are opened at, the government ensures that these places need to be insured and protected, and they are also given a criminal activity background check which makes them secure for parents to trust and keep their children in. There are rarely any incidents of children getting kidnapped or injured or lost because the homes and the centers are well-aware of the legal repercussions of losing or hurting a child in a serious manner. Therefore, there is an equal amount of vigilance and care given in both centers based, and in-home daycares and parents do not need to worry about security for either of them. (Bos.gov, 2016).
Yet, this also differentiates them in terms of how the finances of these places are managed. As home providers are usually based at home, they only take the amount of money that is given to them in order to take care of the child, and there are no rent charges or extra taxes to be paid for their business. As compared to these, center based daycares are more official, and they are relatively more expensive. (Usmanova, 2014). This is because of the atmosphere that is provided to the child for which caregivers are hired and apart from their salaries, there are expenses such as paying for the equipment, toys, and other facilities. Hence, they are more expensive. Nevertheless, the varying amount does not mean that there is a lack of attention given to the child in home-based centers in comparison with center based daycares. The reason stands that the amount of attention that is given to each child is guaranteed, and there is not compromise on it. In home based centers, the children coming in for daycare mingle with the children of the household and the parents look after them as their own children. Similarly, in center based daycares, a maximum of four children are appointed to one caregiver, which means ample attention can be paid to every child. (Usmanova, 2014).
However, there is a vast difference between the kind of interaction and attention that is paid to the children. Center based daycares are more focused on other means of engaging and controlling the children such as television and games. (Bos.gov, 2016). On the other hand, home based daycares pay more attention by interacting with children, talking to them and engaging them in conversation. This leads to better cognitive development in toddlers kept at home based daycares. They learn to speak quicker and also catch up on other learning skills too. On the other hand toddlers in daycares might be not interactive enough and would also be bullied if they are not social enough. (Baby center, 2016). However, children in both settings make good friends with other children and even if they are shy, they are encouraged to socialize and learn games and have fun. They learn to adapt to a setting outside of the home and can spend their time safely.
Conclusively, both center based and in-home daycare centers are effective and preferred for children. As research shows, it is up to the finances of the parents and their affordability by which they can choose the most suitable one for their toddler. Differences also lie in areas of development and interaction, where home-based centers are more effective. However, there are equal chances of children learning and adapting to new situations and environments, where they do learn, in spite of everything, without the constant need of a parent. Therefore, a parent will choose a center based daycare or home based daycare based on their own preferences.
Work Cited
Baby center. (2016). “Home daycare overview.” Retrieved from
Bos.gov. (2016). Home-based vs. Care Based. Retrieved from
Usmanova, Jen, Evgeniya. (2014). “Child Care Centers vs. Home-Based Family Care pros and
cons. Retrieved from http://patch.com/virginia/ashburn/child-care-center-vs-homebased-family-child-care-pros--cons_d88a39ef