There exists a clear distinction between change management and change leadership. Change management is the set of processes, tools, and methods to transform current status of an organization into a better position for the betterment of employees, stakeholders, and organization as a whole. Change leadership is the robust and fast form of change management. It involves a vision leading towards radical changes in the progress of organization. Change leaders propose efficient utilization of available resources till the end and become an engine to lead fast change. Change management may involve improvement on small scales, but change leaders carry vision for far-reaching modifications in organizations. Most of the organizations have change management groups to plan, coordinate, and implement changes. Change leadership is brought about by change leaders, possessing distinct vision of the better future of the organization. Indeed, change leadership is the better response towards competitive pressure as it brings fast, robust, and radical changes as compared to rather slower and mini-scale changes due to change management.
Competencies of a Change Leader
Strategic Thinking: It means having a vivid vision of the future goal and path required for reaching towards it. This competency is most important because strategic planning lies at the fore front of the desired change in organization. Strategic thinking actually leads the change. As a change leader, I will plan radical transformation keeping in view overall situation and available resources of the company.
Integration of Ideas: This core competency determines how change leaders integrate their different short-term change plans into a revolutionary change for the better future of their group. It is necessary to deal with conflicts of interests of different groups. I will adopt this skill by breaking overall objective into smaller goals, planning for achieving excellence in them, and then combining overall interests to lead dramatic transformation.
Influential Personality: Once change leaders have planned and visioned transformation, they must look forward to infuse these ideas into employees for their complete support. Influential personality of change leaders is important to gain confidence of employees and stake holders during planning stages. I would cultivate this trait by winning trust of employees and stake holders that my proposed changes will be beneficial for them.
Competencies of a Change Manager
Planning and Decision Making: It means the application of thinking patterns and logics for analyzing problems and coming up with effective solutions. This ability is backbone of change since it aids in developing workable framework for leading change. I will develop this important trait by using deep analytical skills, holistic perspectives, and intelligent decision making.
Training for Change: This is an important competency of change leaders to coach employees, management, and stake holders for building skills and traits required for leading change in organization. Training is vital from the point of view of making everyone realize about changes required in organizations and how these will be achieved. As a change manager, I will coach my employees and managers using latest learning principles, need analysis, change management ideas, and acting as a role model.
Project Management: This competency requires application of skills, knowledge, techniques, and tools to project changes and for meeting needs and expectations of stakeholders. Project management is vital for leading important changes in organizations that need careful planning, research and development. I will practice this important attribute by developing plans, management and monitoring of change processes, risk and cost management. It is also necessary to review project outcomes on a regular basis.