This paper presents a summary of the article where the authors describe the causal relationship of occurrence of dentoalveolar anomalies and deformations, describes the research field and the reasoned application of sociology of medicine and medical psychology at solving specific problems. One way of socialization for the child as a developing individual is a dentist, who as a mature personality, owning professional, deontological knowledge, knowledge of psychology no doubt should have a positive impact on socializing children. Orthodontic theory and practice are particularly sensitive to the perception of the norms and principles of bioethics, as they deal with all categories of children population and closely connected with all other areas of medicine. Analyses of clinical cases, after the diagnosis and determine the treatment strategy should include a comparison of the quality of life of patients before and after treatment. The authors summarize that orthodontic treatment with general anesthesia is important in complex therapeutic measures for dental health.
“Changes in oral health-related quality of life among children following dental treatment under general anaesthesia” reveals the problem of tooth decay in early childhood is extremely urgent, and the provision of dental care for children is difficult because of the complexity of co-operation with the child's doctor. The purpose of this article is to determine the nature and extent of the influence of general anesthesia during orthodontic treatment of children, to develop recommendations for their optimal use. These clinical situations are a direct indication for dental care under general anesthesia. As a research method was used analysis of 11 scientific articles which were surveys on the quality of life of children and clinical trials. After analyzing the data, scientists have concluded that it is necessary to use general anesthesia for dental health in young children in full. The introduction of modern-session treatments pulpit, modern technology restorations, as well as children's preventive prosthesis under general anesthesia can provide high quality treatment. “The main reasons for dental treatment under GA are the following: uncooperative behaviour, multiple extractions, extensive dental caries in a young child and dental treatment” (Jankauskiene, Narbutaite, 60). Cavities at this age is progressing rapidly, and its complications often lead to inflammatory processes in maxillofacial area with the defeat of germ zones jaw bones. The article shows that the inefficiency of orthodontic treatment today is largely due not to the lack of effective methods and techniques of treatment, and with the lack of programs and individual plans of social interaction doctor, the child and his parents. Especially children's orthodontic treatment duration is experienced by the child discomfort malformation installations on communication with peers.
This article is useful for my future speciality because I will need to know that disturbances in the dentition area are usually combined with functional and aesthetic, was accompanied by changes in posture, functional disorders in the pulmonary circulation and often delayed psychosomatic development. They increase with age, leading to tooth decay, periodontal disease, early tooth loss, changes in the mandibular joints. Timely removal of dental-facial anomalies is the prevention of both local and many common disorders of the body, in this regard, orthodontics has great social significance. The aesthetic disadvantage accompanying the wrong position of individual teeth adversely affects the psycho-emotional status of young children, teenagers. The use of general anesthesia provides opportunity for the necessary diagnosis, dental health in one visit, the introduction of modern technologies, including the pulpit-session treatments. Child patients in orthodontic practice, do not consider themselves as ill, so the role of the patient adapted badly. Therefore, the model behavior of the doctor is chosen according to the stage of socialization and behavior of the child's parents, but she always focused on the formation of a child's skills of a competent patient.
This article is useful because an analysis of the social component of orthodontic treatment in the clinic of Pediatric Dentistry and developed recommendations for optimizing their use to improve the quality of orthodontic care. The authors identified a list of rules that guarantee the rights of the child-patient in the provision of services of orthodontic practice and found that the obligation to comply with the doctor's recommendations can be regulated only in the form of informed consent of the parents. In this paper we prove the fundamental role of this indicator as the quality of life for the planning and organization of orthodontic treatment for children. Research has shown a direct impact on the attitude to the treatment of the differences caused by age, social status, level of cultural development, the place of residence, type of higher nervous activity, temperament, cognitive development, family structure and the ratio of parent to child in the family. All these influences can be fixed in terms of quality of life, so this is the main criterion in assessing the effectiveness of the provision of orthodontic care for children.
Jankauskiene, B., & Narbutaite, J. (2010). Changes in oral health-related quality of life among children following dental treatment under general anaesthesia. A systematic review. Stomatologija, 12(2), 60-64.