I. Title Page
II. Introduction.
The numerous research conducted in the sphere of childhood obesity proves that the problem is so serious, that it cannot be either ignored, nor solved just partially . Therefore, the complex Childhood Nutrition Reform is needed. The given research will be dealing with the identification of the key factors that cause childhood obesity and measures to be taken to incur a real impact on society in terms of changing the eating habits.
The scope of the problem of child obesity and the importance of taking the issue seriously.
We explore how childhood obesity has spread around the world in recent decades. We discuss what kind of problems childhood obesity causes, including psychological, health and social. We stress that neglecting the problem at this stage is unacceptable.
Analysis of the Problem
Reasons and prerequisites of childhood obesity
Here we examine how the eating habits are formed and what happens in the environment: what factors are pushing people to unhealthy eating behavior. What groups of people are more likely to suffer from child obesity and why.
Direct and indirect promotion of unhealthy eating habits.
Here we discuss why the aggressive marketing and advertising of food with poor nutritional value influences formation of unhealthy eating habits in children. The children are subject to manipulation when the substitution of concepts takes place: instead of nutritional concerns the gaming and entertaining are in the focus. The unhealthy choices that people make serve as a fuel for the current economy. Thus, the manufacturers of junk food are fed, so as, consequently, the pharmaceutical companies, which produce the medications used for treatment from the diseases caused by unhealthy eating habits.
Lack of education of parents and children in terms of nutrition
In this section we will look closely at the issue of nutritional ignorance of the population. The people lack critical thinking in the matters concerned with food consumption.
Responsibility for the problem of childhood obesity
Responsibility of the legislation.
The role of government institutions is mostly limited to formal setting of the standards and statistical research gathering (data on childhood obesity).
Responsibility of the food manufacturers.
The frightening figures of childhood obesity and its comorbidities reflect the poor nutrition value of the food supplied to children
Solutions: complex Childhood Nutrition Reform
Resetting industry standards in the sphere of food and beverage production.
Setting a nationwide public discussion between governmental committees, business associations and corporations in order to drive attention to the problem and openly discuss the food industry standards. The result should be the profound reframing of standards and communication of new standards to public.
Legal steps to regulate unhealthy food promotion
We should drive our attention to the importance of legal limitations of distribution and promotion food of poor nutritional value to children. Issues covered in this section might include but not be limited to: development of criteria of unhealthy food, formulating the restrictions and requirements to advertising messages, regulating distribution policy, etc.
Overall educational campaign for both parents and children
How the issue should be treated and discussed in public. What steps and campaign should be launched in order to change the perception of people of what is “normal” in terms of food consumption.
Resume of the problem and the proposed conclusion: the Childhood Nutrition Reform is necessary and should be provided as soon as possible. Recognizing the scale and the disastrous consequences of the problem of childhood obesity and its comorbidities, the measures should be radical and complex covering all spheres of children’s life and engaging all levels of society. Only joint efforts of government institutions, manufacturers, parents, teachers and all socially active people can lead to the quality shift in the community for changing the collective behavior and setting new norms fostering healthy eating habits of children.
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