Love is an intrinsic sense of affection between two people. There are different types of love; relationships and affairs love. Relational love involves the affection between people who are related by either blood or culture. On the extreme end, affairs love involves two people from the opposite sex who have affection towards one another. Freud’s argue that; love is not what is given but shared. It is what the man gives to the woman and gets in return. He believes that a woman should be submissive in love affairs. A woman is believed is believed to be the chief player in love matters, by doing so, a man can always be on the giving end and the woman on the receiving end. Love binds two souls into one; it is a great bonding that involves great sense of affection between two partners that are in love. According to the movie, ‘Rebecca’, the protagonist believes that only love can cure a broken soul and unite two opposing forces. This is evident form the movie when the protagonist develops some issues with his girlfriend, which leads to a break-up. This could only be solved through mutual understanding between the two partners.
Analysis of love
Freud is a believer of love. He supports and believes that love conquers the hearts of those who have affection for one another. Freud argues that; for every two uniting opposite sexes then there must be something intrinsic that unites both of them (Freud and David, 56). He puts forth that, this intrinsic sense is associated with affection for one another, which grows gradually over a given period. This period is associated with many sacrifices that each partner offers to one another. This affection leads to a special feeling over a given time that drives to unite them. Freud, through his, believe of egoism believes that, love has nothing to do with developing repulsive forces against one another. An inner force that drives to repel the sense of the other partner is inevitable and cannot be condoned. Therefore, love can only be a part of the union between two people.
Paz does not believe in love. She believes that love cannot be shared between two people but among numerous people (Paz, 78). Her believe in love contradicts that of Freud; she argues out through a book that an invisible part cannot unite two human beings. Paz outlines that; however how many two humans try to be bonded in an intrinsic sense, and then all is in vain. She brings forth the fact that; humans are too secretive in different dynamics. One of the major dynamics is the reason that; humans are skeptical about the future. Human beings believe that they only live for the current events and affairs, and nothing much is there for the future. On her contradictory path, Paz argues against Freud believing that; love can be lost and never be found.
Comparison of Love between Freud and Paz
Freud believes love is a special union part. He believes that nothing can unite two human beings in a special way other than love. Freud uses his theorem of id; he puts forth that; an inner feeling between two people can only be a part of concern and nothing else can be more defining other than the special union. Though the love cannot be seen, Freud brings into perception that, it can be felt when both the man and a woman fall in love. This is a sophisticated analysis of how different human beings can express their different atrocities towards one another.
On the other extreme end, Paz believes that, no person can develop an invisible bonding and experience to believe that they are in love (Paz, 67). She shows this through the protagonist nature of the person opposing the man in all aspects. She uses this to show that; emotions are critical to bonding. She believes that, love is a derivative of emotional feeling between two characters. This derivative can only be associated between the duration that a woman and a man meets. This feeling size to exist immediately these two people breaks apart.
Evaluation of love between Freud and Paz
Freud evaluates love to be a source of comfort and happiness between the two people that shares love. Happiness is achieved when these two people expresses it through gift sharing and spending quality time with one another. Love is felt most when these two people share their intimacy and treat one another with gratitude. There is no special attachment that supersedes the art of giving and receiving. Deception in love circle cannot be condoned. This factor separates two souls that are in love. It does not work any close to healing or molding these two hearts together. Love that is given is worth being received without any monetary compensation. Two people that, develop affection for one another cannot be separated by any exterior part, but can always work close to the building and modifying their love.
Paz comes forth with an evaluation of love at a different view. She believes that, trust cannot form the basis of love. Trust can only be achieved when the two uniting factors are one. Trust seizes to exist when the two uniting factors exit from one another. She believes that, if a sense can be developed for another person instantly without paying an acute attention to the one that is in existence. The author believes that, human beings hide their inner sense especially when they are close to the ones that they claim to love. She goes forth with a substantial argument that; giving and receiving in love cannot qualify to be a valid part to unite two people. She believes that; a man who claims to love can always give and receive with another person, this makes hotspots in relationships. Paz brings into view that; not all that is in a union believes in love.
Love is a complex part. Human beings are not perfect; therefore, holding onto love can be a challenge to most of them. Love leads to a substantial believe of one another; it makes two people to repel amongst one another to unite. Love is a feeling that ought to be shared. It does not cost a thing to be sincere in love.
Paz is against love. She believes that, love cannot be maintained through trust. Trust takes time to be achieved; it can only be used as a tool of patience and not love. She believes that, people that claim to be in love are bonded by lust and not affection.
Works Cited
Freud, Sigmund, and David McLintock. Civilization and Its Discontents. London: Penguin, 2004. Internet resource.
Paz, Octavio. The Labyrinth of Solitude ; the Other Mexico ; Return to the Labyrinth of Solitude ; Mexico and the United States ; the Philanthropic Ogre. New York: Grove Press, 1985. Print.