Ahn, M.J., Bretschneider, S.(2011). Politics of e-government: E-government and political control of bureaucracy. Public Administration Review, 71 (3)
The following article is aimed at reporting innovative public administration experiment in South Korea, which was initiated in order to reduce negative influences of bureaucracy on provision of governmental services and improve citizen participation and democratic values.
The article is useful for the research as it reflects recent trends in the development of public administration and can serve as a good ground to use upside down approach, when coming to the history of the issue.
Matei, L., Flogaits, S., Archmann, S., Panagiotis, G., Mrak, M., Vacisek, D..Mititelu, C. (2011).Public administration in the Balkans from Weberian bureaucracy to new public management. Retrieved 16 September 2013 from http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1758707
The volume under study represents data on the history of public administration in the Balkans with the focus on modern European integration-related influences. Comparisons with relevant developments in other European states are provided by the authors. Moreover, an overview of public administration reforms in different European states is present.
The book will be helpful in terms of researching into the history of bureaucracy, because public administration has longest history particularly in Balkan states, namely Greece. Furthermore, the book provides an insight not only in the history and classics of public administration in Greece, but allows considering other states in a comparative perspective.
Hatch, M.J.(2012). Organization theory: modern, symbolic and postmodern perspectives. Oxford: Oxford University Press
The book offers comprehensive overview of organizations and organizing processes. The peculiarity of the study lies in the fact that it reveals current challenges of organizational theory and allows considering prospects of reforming modern organizations and organization processes.
The study can be used for the research due to the fact that it outlines major challenges, which are faced by contemporary organizations, emphasizing possible solutions for such challenges. Such an approach will allow coming to the very roots of issues and understand the nature of organization theory modern developments.
Puri, M., Zarutskie, S. (2012).On the life cycle dynamics of venture-capital and non-venture capital-financed firms. The Journal of Finance., Vol.67 (6), pp.2247-2293
The article examines life cycle of VC- and non-VC-financed firms. The performance difference of VC and non-VC-financed firms is emphasized.
The research can use this article due to its examining the life cycle of two wide-spread types of firms. Scientific value of the article is called forth by the fact that it is based on 25 years of thorough empiric studies and, therefore, can be believed to contain well proved data.
Brodkin, E.Z. (2012). Reflections of street-level bureaucracy: Past, Present and Future. Public administration review, Vol. 72(6), pp.940-949
The article reflects historical roots of street-level bureaucracy, its current state and challenges, along with providing offers for improving bureaucracy activities in public sector. The author concentrates on the challenges, which were called forth by historical developments of public administration and solutions, which have already been used.
Applicability of the article is called forth by its being directly connected with the issue of street-level bureaucracy, which cannot be avoided in terms of studying classics of public administration. Moreover, particularly this article examines the issue against the background of significant time scale, which is beneficial for seeing the problem in general terms.
Barzelay, M., Armajani, B.J.(1992). Breaking through bureaucracy:
A new vision for managing in government. Berkley: University of California Press
The book under study is aimed at discussing overall vision of bureaucracy as red tape. The authors develop bureaucratic paradigm theory, which is aimed at revealing factors, which underlie poor governance. Moreover, the authors provide their vision of the ways existing system can be changed.
The study is relevant for the purposes of research, because it presents alternative view on bureaucracy issue. Furthermore, it has significant potential of broadening the field of research and introduces both new theories and solutions.