It is true that the patient might be suffering from Swimmer’s ear. According to Hui (2013), Swimmer’s ear is commonly experienced in children and adults. It is clear that swimmer’s ear also causes inflammation, fullness in the inner ear and possible hearing loss (Hui, 2013).It is also true that most of the diagnosis is done by the observation of the outer ear such as the pinna. In some cases, the inflammation of the outer ear might be caused by complications in the fluids found in the inner ear. An otoscope could, therefore, be used to analyze the inner ear.
Classmate 2
Seemingly, it is true that air pressure is a known cause of ear pain. The temperature of the air is the main factor that determines air pressure. According to Mayo Clinic Staff (2016), cold is one of the main factors that cause pain in the ear. Mayo Clinic Staff (2016) categorizes the symptoms for ear pain according to age indicating that age is a vital factor that is used in the diagnosis of ear pain. An otoscope is vital for the diagnosis off the middle ear which is most likely to trigger ear pain.
Classmate 3
It is true that Otitis Media causes inflammation of the ear mostly in children. However, it is also manifested in adults under complicated circumstances (Waseem, 2016). An Otoscope is eventually appropriate equipment that could be used to examine the inner ear to identify any injuries. According to Waseem (2016), Otitis Media causes a headache, which may persist to cause dizziness. For more intensive analysis of the ear during the diagnosis, the sinus x – rays could be used. However, tests such as the vestibular tests are only carried out in more complicated situations.
Hui, Charles PS. (2013). Acute otitis externa. Oakville: Pulsus Group Inc.
Mayo Clinic. (2016, April 19). Symptoms and causes - Ear infection (middle ear) - Mayo Clinic. Retrieved January 30, 2017, from http://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/ear-infections/symptoms-causes/dxc-20199484
Waseem M. (2016, March 16). Otitis Media: Practice Essentials, Background, Pathophysiology. Retrieved January 31, 2017, from http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/994656-overview?pa=Y%2BS4JqLIquB8Lxu5WlemVQZa%2BAAQ7rBDbaO0KReRjuCrwPApb%2B9zsdACTImi%2FFmufRG%2BtjB3HwQL5v6IXr%2BZD85tQIqSBXMeLFS1IOzvhsM%3D