Artificial intelligence
Artificial intelligence is the branch of computer science which it tries to find solutions to some problems which has no efficient solution but in which it is known to be solvable because some knowledge and intelligence can be used to solve the problem. One of the benefits of learning artificial intelligence is that we get to know how some problems are solved in the natural way. we therefore get to know how artificial intelligence works. With artificial intelligence, there is the creation of machines that are used to solve problems that have been solved by humans. In artificial intelligence, some of the activities that are performed by machines include learning, planning and solving problems. (
Data warehouse
A data warehouse is a repository where all important parts of data that an organization’s various information systems collect while they are running. In the practical sense, data warehouses are located in servers that are used by the organizations. The data that are used by different online transaction processing (OLTP) applications and various other selected selectively and then they are organized in the database so that they are used in applications that are used for analytical purposes and also from queries that are sent by users. To enable users using knowledge discovered from data warehouses acquire the kind of data they are interested with, data mining algorithms heavily query the data store/database(In most cases Relational databases) to retrieve the required information(
Expert reasoning systems
An expert reasoning system is special system that is used to manage knowledge bases so that they can solve complex problems; it is a database that is used primarily for management of knowledge. It thus provides a means for the collection, organization, and retrieval of knowledge in a computerized manner. It also represents a collection of data which have related experiences and their results are related to their problems and solutions. Expert systems (ES) came out of artificial intelligence (AI), that is, from the effort that was input by researchers in the AI field in their quest to develop computer programs that could reason like human beings. Many organizations have taken advantage of this technology to leverage their business operations with the aim of making profits. ES is considered to be one of the most successful branches of AI(
Neural networks
This is a system that has a collection of programs and data are used to model the human brain. A neural network usually consists of large number of processors that are operating in parallel where each processor consists of a small knowledge and gets access to data in the local memory it has. At first a neural network will be created by having a data and rules that exist in the various data that are found in the knowledge system. It is a program that will tell a network on how to behave in some given instance. There are various principles that are used by neural networks to make determinations; they include principles such as fuzzy logic and genetic algorithms (
Goddard. (2002). Expert systems. Retrieved October 24, 2011, from CS clemson:
Rapaport, W. (2000). Some definitions of artificial intelligence. Retrieved October 24, 2011, from State University:
Techtarget. (2000). Data warehouse or information warehouse. Retrieved October 24, 2011, from Techtarget:
Techtarget. (2000). Neural network. Retrieved October 24, 2011, from Techtarget: