This paper involves the comparison of the three engineering books; Rudolph Eggert, Engineering Design, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2005, Barry Hyman, Fundamentals of engineering design. New Jersey, NJ, Prentice Hall Inc., 1998 and George Dieter and Linda Schmidt, Engineering Design, 5thed New York, NY, McGraw-Hill, 2013. The comparison provides precise design ideas of various engineering designs. First, the contents of the books vary in the way they present their ideologies. Hyman's book is structured in such a way that it shows its contents in a brief form (Hyman p.14). On the other hand, Eggert's book shows its contents in a more theoretical form (Eggert p.12). More design concepts in the book are relatively theoretical. Finally, the contents of Dieter and Schmidt’s book illustrate how engineering designs can be integrated with the new technology (Dieter & Schmidt p.10).
My Design Process
Ask- involves asking a question; what is the problem? It will assist me to see how others have approached the issue. Additionally, this section will state my constraints.
Imagine- it requires me to find out some solutions. Therefore, I have to brainstorm various ideas and choose the best.
Plan- I will draw a diagram and also make lists of different materials that I will need
Create- I will stick, follow my plan, thus creating something that can be tested
Improve- here I will look at the part that works as well as the area that needs improvement
Work cited
Rudolph Eggert, Engineering Design, Pearson/Prentice Hall, 2005
Barry Hyman, Fundamentals of engineering design. New Jersey, NJ, Prentice Hall Inc., 1998
George Dieter and Linda Schmidt, Engineering Design, 5thed. New York, NY, McGraw Hill, 2013