MacLean’s is a weekly Canadian magazine published by MacLean hunter. It is one of three Canadian magazines, which posted double digit contribution growth in the previous six months. Magazine subscription of MacLean’s is provided by magazine express Inc. The publisher of the magazine is editions Rogers’s media. MacLean’s magazine has a cover price of $278.46 and a sale price of $114.99. It brings readers news raging from technology to business, health matters, entertainment, education and sports. MacLean’s magazine covers what is important to its readers intelligently and sufficiently and at a fair price. Readers of the magazine can be able to subscribe online which is very convenient to its readers. It sells at a lower price in Canada as compared to its selling price abroad. Maclean’s is the only Canadian weekly current affairs magazine. It entertains approximately 2.8 million readers with exclusive leading stories and investigative reports (Rogers Communication).
Comparison of MacLean’s magazine and American magazines
MacLean’s magazine is relatively cheaper as compared to most American magazines. Its low retail price enables its readers to acquire it cheaply. MacLean’s magazine sells at a lower price in Canada than it sells to USA. This enables more Canadian leaders to purchase the magazine hence promoting the magazine more in Canada than in America. This is due to the fact that it emphasis more on local content.
Digital speed bumps
This is the ease of downloading data onto tablets. This reduces paperwork and hence reducing forest destruction. MacLean’s is the most successful magazine in Canada at selling digital subscriptions. It poses a 2% of its base. The most successful magazine in America at selling digital subscriptions has a 4% of its base. This indicates that magazines from America have invested more on digital technology. This is basically due to a large market share they pose globally. Most of Americans magazines sell both locally and abroad. More emphasis on digital technology has been put in America as opposed to Canada (Rogers Communication). This is due to the more developed technology in America as compared to Canada. America has a well developed digital technology system which facilitates more sales of magazines both locally and internationally.
MacLean’s magazine has no substantial coverage of international news in recent years. The magazines tend to put more emphasis on local content. Most American magazines cover both local and international content. This is due to their well developed digital system which eases their mode of selling enabling them to reach many readers in a short spell of time. MacLean’s magazines cover less international content as compared to most American based magazines.
Engagement with readers.
MacLean’s magazine engages its reader’s more than most American magazines. MacLean’s commissions annual polls in which Canadians express their views on their standards of living in Canada. They also express their views on the relationship between Canada and USA. This enables the publisher to publish the views of most people in the country in order to get the majority view (Rogers Communication).
Emphasis on social networks.
Both MacLean’s and American magazines reach to their readers through social networks like face book and twitter. This enables them to notify their readers on then breaking news and the global emerging issues. This enables the readers to have easy success to links of all the breaking news. Social networks enable the magazines to easily reach many people globally hence increasing the sales globally. In America, however, there is more emphasis on social networks as compared to Canada this is due to the vast development of technology in America as compared to Canada. This therefore increases more coverage of American magazines as compared to MacLean’s
Target group.
MacLean’s magazine mostly targets local market. It sells more in Canada as compared to USA as it emphasis more sales in Canada. In USA however most magazines sell both locally and internationally. MacLean’s publishes more local news hence enabling more local readers to buy the magazine (Rogers Communication). The fact that it sells at a lower price as compared to USA enables more readers to buy more copies. Most American magazines however target more on international readers hence widening their coverage globally.
MacLean’s magazine is doing exemplary on Canadian market. It commissions a large number of readers in Canada and has a large market share in Canada. It is also picking up well in the global market due to its increased access to readers. MacLean’s has also increased its coverage globally through increased international sales and more emphasis on social networking. MacLean’s has also increased strategies to increase sales through decreased prices. The magazine also gives away free copies of the magazine hence motivating the readers to purchase more copies.
Work Cited
Rogers Communication. Macleans.Ca, 2012.