When a company has computers, it would be prudent for them to invest on the computers' interconnections. Building a proper computer infrastructure is not limited to big firm enterprises but also small companies. When upgrading to 1000MB switches, the use of category 6 cable is recommended. Category 6 is an improvement on the category 5 cable. Category 5 cables can manage a 1000MB network, but it is not reliable. With category 6, it is possible to have a 10 000MB network in a reliable way. The cable can also manage the back and forth data, one of the many revolutions of business. The category 6 internet can provide high-quality video streaming, highly responsive and live social media updates from people around the world at once. The cable also provides safety margins. The cat 6 cable solves the distance issue that is raised by the cat 5e cable since it covers the full 328ft (100metres) (deSteuben, 2014).
Sometimes, the distance to covered by any cable exceeds its set limit. It creates a hindrance in the data transmission process. It is, therefore, essential that handling of such problem be efficient. For the 100Base TX, the use of VSDL should be applied. VSDL is an access technology that exploits existing copper wire infrastructure to deliver high-speed internet. The VSDL technology increases the speed up to a theoretical limit of 52MB/S downstream and 12MB/S upstream. VSDL uses up to 4 different frequency bands, two for upstream and two for downstream. They use the Discrete Multitone Modulation modulation technique. The bit range about 26MB/s for a loop of about 1500m, up to 100MB/s symmetric for a few hundred meters. As such, the services provided by the 100BaseTX cable are still the same. The VSDL increases the distance from 328ft up to 12000ft, thereby covering the 400m mark (Eriksson and Odenhmmar, 2006).
Response to Arthur King
Cat 6 cable is advised over cat 5e. This is because of elasticity of cat 6. Cat 6 has a potential of up to 10 000 MB. Category 5e may have delays and is therefore not reliable. It also has a plastic piece in the middle preventing crosstalk. Cat 6 can manage to deliver high definition videos and provide a two way path that enables communication between an organization and its clients.. It is, therefore, prudent to say that category 6 is the future of cabling and is advised. Despite the difference in the installation pricing, cat 6 will save on the future upgrading.
Relational Database Modeling
Working in a chiropractic office and use a database for our practice members was chosen. The primary entities would be a practicing member, previous chiropractic care, and references. The practice member attribute includes their case number, a title such as Mr., Mrs. Miss or Ms., their first name, their last name, address, phone number and date of birth. The primary key would be the case number because it uniquely identifies each practice member separately. The previous chiropractic attribute would include if they have had previous chiropractic care, if so how long ago, the name of the doctor and the location. The primary key attribute would be if they have had previous chiropractic care because it can distinguish between those who have and have not. The reference attribute would be how did they hear about our office which and entered by letters; A meaning someone referred them, B meaning online and C implying space was left blank. The primary key would be the letters meaning which referred them, by that we could distinguish who had a referral from someone compared to people finding of the office online.
The relationship with the entities is many to many (M: M). It is because each person could have the same reference type or previous chiropractic care.
The business rules associated with this is that only one case number may be assigned to one person. It would be a one to one (1:1) relationship. Another rule is multiple practice members may share the same previous chiropractic care and reference meaning this is a many to many (M: M) relationship. The ways in which the relationships could change is if we add more data to a field like previous chiropractic care to gain a more certain area that could switch to a one to one relationship with each person.
Response to Melisa Kopena
The choice was made on an ideal situation.The choice of the career and reference method was done in order to get both the many to many or one to many situation. It was wise to create the relation between the reference type and letters. The relation between the name and title was also well advised. In the sample highlighted, it gave a chance even of additional information making it suitable.
Entity Relationship Modeling
Entity relationship modeling as an element of database design has some advantages and challenges. Some of the benefits include helping organize items as well as pertinent information and aligning business requirements. It also provides instructions to the designer with the physical creation of the database. Entity Relationship modeling helps database developers overcome potential design challenges by the database developers learning to compromise. The developers also document their work to help the keep track. As of the many-to-one (M: N) relationship which is not supported in the relational sense, they can be created by a new one-to-many (1: M) entity relationships. There some challenges arising from creating ERD. One object type cannot be shown as having another as an instance. The only classification that the entity relationship paradigm supports directly is records and objects being instances of object types. Another challenge is that an object cannot be shown as having a case of any entity type as a subtype. One cannot show a subtype relationship between an entity type in the data model(Tech target, 2015).
Response to Jennifer Halloway
It is paramount to note that entity relationship modeling has its advantages and challenges. It helps the creators of any software follow-up and solve potential design issues. It provides instructions to database developers which makes it easy to develop and make the required changes in any program or code. There is also a proper step by step tracking method which reduces the number of mistakes done and also easy way of solving any problem arising. Some of the challenges highlighted is not showing an object as the case of any entity tpe as a subtype making it cumbersom. Otherwise, the whole entity relationship modeling is beneficial.
Normalization and redundancy.
Database normalization is the organization of attributes and relations of a relational databaseunication method between computers where data is sent via internetof a o minimize redundancy(Hillyer, 2003). The optimization is as a result of a proper investigations being carried out the various pieces of the data that will be stored in the database. The analysis of the data and it's relationship in advantage because it can result both in massive positive change in the speed in which the tables are queried, and reducing the chance that the database integrity is compromised as a result of maintenance procedure. I think that what I am trying to get at in regards to integrity is a corruption of the data within the database due to changes made to the tables, databases, or overall system where the database resides. Integrity speaks to program creators hurting them when they make changes to systems and the data integrity suffers as a result of a poorly executed change.
One way would be to characterize or explain the benefits of normalization would be a system where we store information for multiple engine blocks that company A is working on delivering to its customers(Hillyer, 2003). We know that there are going to be nuts and bolts that are used on both engines and that those components are identical on both engines so we can normalize our database to where that information is useful and provided quickly when needed to price out a new order for a new customer. Normalize the data so that the systems can retrieve it optimally.
Response to Parkeallan Johnson
Repetition of data is safe, but it can also consume memory. Normalization ensures the maximazation of such memory allocation. This will ensure fast recovery of information door to the reduced number of tables and queries enabling the smooth running of any organization. Safe guarding of the information will also be accomplished by only storing the important information due to the normalization process. The corruption of the data will be solved through normalization. Poor execution brought about by redudancy hampers the smooth running of the code or software or data leading to delay which normalization tries to eliminate. That said normalization is the way to go in any problem solving.
Database Design and Implementation
The queries that would need to be implemented would be queries for student Id, queries requesting student, class and instructor for a singular report for attendance related output. The building of the structure for the queries would so that they look at column information for Id, class name/number, and instructor name. The problems that will arise when creating these queries would be that the data is intended in a timely fashion and entered correctly. Also, the data must continuously be modified because names are going to change, students are going to stop classes and enroll in other courses during the same term. There must be a method of entry to accommodate moves, adds, changes and deletions. Compliance will be key to keeping the data accurate and up to date.
Response to Jennifer Halloway
The headache of any software or database design is the implementation part. As such, proper and critical thinking should be done. The sections to be implemented are to be chosen carefully and proper attention given to each of them. In the case given above, the data to implemented should be chosen wisely. The method of entry of data and how to add, change, delete or manipulation of any data should be considered. The up to data and accuracy of the data should also be considered. A proper procedure and algorithm should be build to help solve the problem.
Davis D, 2009, "Connect your LAN to the Internet using static or dynamic NAT". Search Networking, 2009, viewed 8 May 2016.
deSteuben S, 2014, "Cat 5e vs. Cat 6-which should you choose?" Nashua Data Solutions
2014, viewed 8 May 2016
Eriksson, P.E and Odenhammar B, (2006). "Next Important Broadband Technology".
Hillyer M., 2003, "An Introduction to Database Normalization". 2003, viewed 8 May 2016.
Tech Target., 2015, "Limitation of entity relationship models in data modeling. Search Data Management.