Type of Activity: (check)
- Seminar/workshop
- Distance Learning via Computer
- Conference
- Distance Learning via Tele/Audio Conference
- Independent Study
- Other: Describe:
A. Human Resources
- Person Administratively Responsible: Provide the following information for the person responsible for administering this activity.
- Planning Committee: Must include 1 RN with a minimum of baccalaureate in Nursing and at least one other member. They must have relevant content expertise, represent the target audience and/or have knowledge of the CE process. For each person on the planning committee, please list name, degrees and credentials here and attach a biographical data form with the additional required information and the conflict of interest disclosure form.
RN with a minimum of baccalaureate in Nursing: Mr. Y., Pediatric Nurse (RN, baccalaureate in Nursing degree).
B. Target Audience and Needs Assessment:
1. Describe the target audience expected to attend and how the target audience was determined:
The target audience expected to attend the CE program will comprise of nurses working in pediatric palliative/hospice care settings as well as nurses working in other pediatric care settings such as pediatric intensive care, neonatal intensive care, and oncology wards. The target audience was determined through a literature review on the needs and knowledge of nurses working in pediatric palliative care settings. The literature review established that pediatric nurses often have to provide end-of-life care to pediatric patients irrespective of their care settings (Malloy et al., 2007), issues on pediatric palliative/hospice care such as the psychosocial needs of nurses, patients, and families are rarely addressed in nursing and medical literature (Morgan, 2009), nurses are an integral part of the multidisciplinary healthcare team that provides end-of-life care to pediatric patients (Malloy et al., 2007), the knowledge of most nurses on pediatric palliative care is suboptimal (Morgan, 2009), and evidence emanating from an array of studies that suggests that pediatric palliative care education equips nurses with the coping skills and attitudes necessary for the provision of quality and timely palliative/hospice care to pediatric patients requiring end-of-life care (Knapp et al., 2009). In addition, selection of the target group was informed by the findings of interviews of senior nurse managers in pediatric units on the knowledge needs of nurses in these settings they have identified via the annual competency assessments conducted on nurses.
2. Check best description of type(s) of needs assessment used: (Check all that apply)
- Annual Needs Assessment
- Learners/Management Requested Event
- Quality Studies/Incident Reports Indicated Need
- Trends in Literature, Law and Health Care Indicated Need
- Other : Describe:
C. Learning Goal (Purpose) – clearly state how the goal was identified, how gaps in knowledge are identified and how the learning goal(s) address the gaps in knowledge:
The overall goal was identified through clinical observations and analysis of data derived from annual competency assessments of nurses and a thorough review of literature on pediatric palliative/hospice care. Gaps in knowledge on pediatric palliative/hospice care were identified through a comprehensive, systematic, and critical literature review of available literature. The findings of this literature review suggest that nurses, like other health care providers involved in the provision of pediatric care, lack adequate knowledge in a number of facets of pediatric palliative care which include recognition of patients requiring palliative/hospice care and assessment of the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of pediatric patients requiring palliative care (Morgan, 2009). The learning goals address the gaps in knowledge because their content areas seek to enhance the knowledge of target nurses in the identified knowledge deficit areas.
H. Evaluation
1. Check or describe the methods of evaluation to be used and include learner input (Check all that apply):
- Evaluation Form (Required for all events)
- Pre and/or Post test (Optional). If post-test is used, what is passing score?
- Return Demonstration (Optional)
- Other : Describe:
2. Check the best description or describe how evaluation data will be used to:
- Refine future presentations of this course
- Create new programs
- Discontinue the activity
- Decide whether or not to change the facility or faculty (faculty directed activity)
- Other : Describe:
Himelstein, B. P., Hilden, J. M., Boldt, A. M., & Weissman, D. (2004). Medical progress: Pediatric Palliative Care, 350, 1752-1762.
Knapp, C. A., Madden, V., Wang, H., Kassing, K., Curtis, C., Sloyer, P., & Shenkman, E. A. (2009). Paediatric nurses' knowledge of palliative care in Florida: a quantitative study. International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 15(9), 432-439.
Malloy, P, Sumner, E., Virani, R., & Ferrell, B. (2007). End-of-life nursing education consortium for pediatric palliative care (ELNEC-PPC). The American Journal of Maternal Child Nursing, 32(5), 298-302.
Morgan, D. (2009). Caring for dying children: Assessing the needs of the pediatric care nurse. Pediatric Nursing, 35(2), 86-91.