Responsibility, continuous learning, holistic development and not forgetting to give back to the community are values that I strongly believe in. Belonging to a family where the patriarch is a businessman and the matriarch is a home maker, I have been brought up with well rooted family values. Further, following my father’s footsteps and fulfilling the dreams that he has dreamt has been a lifelong ambition for me. As such, I intend to become a successful businessman in my own right. As a crucial step towards this end, I am applying for a major at the School of Management at the University of San Francisco, an institution that is renowned for not only providing best of breed education to its students but also cultivating an environment for over all human growth in order to promote a more comprehensive development for those who are a part if the university.
I believe that my association with USF will go beyond being a one sided gain, where a student attains knowledge and skills from the institution but fails to make any significant contributions in return. As mentioned earlier, I believe in giving back to the community that has helped me grow into a better person. I greatly value and respect the power of a good education, and hence would be eager to contribute towards USF’s mission in any and every way possible. To begin with, I will contribute to the USF tradition by being a model student, excelling in academics as well as extra-curricular activities and living up to the high expectations of my tutors as well as the university’s management.
I am aware of USF’s ‘Green Team’ and the activities it undertakes. I feel greatly for the dangers our environment faces today and have been actively undertaking green measures at a personal level. This includes recycling and reducing my carbon footprint. I encourage my family and friends to conserve energy as well. I would like to be a part of USF’s Green Team and help in organizing events aimed at raising environmental awareness and initiatives in the local community. I am avid sports enthusiast and would like to contribute to the university’s athletics team. I have particularly interested in soccer and believe I will be able to make valuable contributions in this area.
Considering my long term goal of being a successful businessman and the current globalized nature of the corporate world, I additionally value the opportunity to interact with fellow students from all walks of life, belonging to various faiths and ethnicities. I look forward to forming lasting bonds by sharing of views and ideas, to expand my understanding of world cultures and helping others understand my own. I believe that mutual respect for every human, regardless of their ethnic origin or societal standing enables one to become a better human being and contribute towards a greater good.
In conclusion, I expect my own values and beliefs to experience substantial growth and development at USF. At the same time, I will able to actively participate in the various initiatives undertaken by the university in order to fulfill its mission towards students as well as the community at large.