Overview of Developing the Leader within You
Personal responsibility can be considered as the ideas resulting in an individual’s own action. It can also imply that, because we result in our own actions, we are therefore morally answerable or in legal cycles legally liable for their consequences. The aspect of personal responsibility is discussed in the book developing the leader with you by John C. Maxwell. According to the author, most of the times leaders are naturally born, but at times desire can create leaders. People have to be accountable for their actions. We must be ready at all times to take responsibility for what we do so as to inspire those who look up to us. Leaders are supposed to lead others by example. Leaders who do not accept responsibility for their actions do not inspire their followers. Taking responsibility means acknowledging that you are solely responsible for the choices made in your life. Accepting that you are personally responsible for how you choose to think or feel as a leader is important towards building of successful leadership strategy (Maxwell, p 24).
Expectation is the belief that something may happen or is supposed to happen. Corporate expectation on the other hand is the belief of how process and leadership structures are supposed to be. From the text by John C. Maxwell leaders are expected to behave in a certain way. Leaders are expected to create excellent environments and a strong belief in their teams. Leaders are expected to understand the needs of the followers. The theme of corporate expectation can also be alluded form the point the author list as qualities of excellent leaders. A leader is expected to control the process of planning in an organization he/she leads. A leader should control and offer leadership guideline to the personnel and should be in control and aware of financial dealing of the company of an organization (Maxwell, p 58).
Motivation can be defined as the theoretical construct used to explain the reason behind a certain behavior. It is a representation of a person’s desire, actions and needs. Motivation is also a force that directs behavior and or what causes actions and deeds in people. From the book developing the leader within you, the concept of motivation is discussed in terms of a leader being able to motivate his followers. An excerpt from the book states “people do not want to be managed rather want to be lead” (Maxwell,). This is an indication that a leader instead of trying to manage the actions of his/her followers should concentrate rather on motivating their action towards more productive runs. A leader is explained by the author of “developing the leader within you” as some who people look up to because they aspire to have qualities they see in them. The book describes leadership in relation to being able to motivate those being lead and setting great examples for them to follow (Maxwell, p 72).
Sustainability can be defined as endurance of systems and process. From the book “developing the leader within” the author, Maxwell defines leaders as persons who take charge in the front to handle the turbulence while those lead affirm the actions. The concept of sustainability can be discussed from the fact that the leader is viewed as someone who should lead others towards sustainability. The book emphasizes on the quality of being able to lead the efforts for sustainability either in growth and development, culture and traditions and the overall well-being of the followers of a leader. Nature has engraved the ability to lead in all of us all we need is to have the desire and we can all lead (Maxwell, p 96).
Work cited
Maxwell, John C. Developing the Leader Within You. Nashville: T. Nelson, 1993. Internet resource.