Questions and Answers
Answer # 1
Temperament means certain characteristics and aspects, associated with one’s personality. It is believed that a child is born with them and they persist throughout his lifetime. Temperament is also often associated with one’s emotions, for example, nervousness, joy, etc.
According to Chess and Thomas (1977), there are three temperament styles in children:
- Easy (positive mood; adapts easily)
- Difficult (negative reaction; cries frequently)
- Slow-to-warm-up (rather negative; adapts with difficulty)
Chess and Thomas identified the nine temperament traits in children as follows:
- Activity level (determines how active a child usually is)
- Distractibility (the ability of a child to concentrate and pay attention during the presence of external stimuli)
- Intensity (the energy level of a child’s response)
- Regularity (the predictability of a child’s biological functions)
- Sensory Threshold (the sensitivity of a child to physical stimuli)
- Approach/Withdrawal (a child’s response to an unknown situation)
- Adaptability (the degree to adapting to changes)
- Persistence (how long a child continues to play when faced with obstacles)
- Mood (a child’s positive or negative reaction to the situation)
Example of the child’s temperament and traits:
The child under research (age group 24 months) has the combined temperament style of easy and slow-to-warm-up. The most explicit of the child’s temperament traits are the mood and activity level, for example, a positive and evaluative approach to new situations, as well as a mid-active energy level of activities. They display most vividly during her daily playing and socializing.
Answer # 2
Five guidelines for fostering language development in infants and toddlers are as follows:
- Caring relationship
- Listening and talking
- Using symbols and sounds to communicate
- Experiencing print and writing
- Introducing to stories and books
The difference between expressive and receptive language is as follows:
Expressive language is when a child can use some vocabulary and words to build sentences, whereas receptive language is when a child understands what is being said to him or her. This usually comes before the development of a child’s expressive language.
5 tips for sharing books with 2-year olds:
- Choosing the book
- Introducing new words
- Discussing predictions
- Summarizing events
- Making elaborations
Answer # 3
Environmental needs for infants and toddlers are as follows:
Environmental needs for infants include the presence of the adult (-s) and the infant’s experience of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and feeling.
Environmental needs for toddlers include materials (toys), physical space, furnishing, as well as community building (books, songs). They have to ensure caring, belonging, safety and comfort in small children.
Answer # 4
Appropriate guidance techniques for toddlers are as follows:
- Teach toddlers the difference between feelings, actions, and self.
- Helping them manage their feelings.
- Observe toddlers’ use and reaction to the environment.
- Prepare activities in advance.
- Introduce them to social and play skills.
- Limit their exposure to aggressive feelings on social media.
Definition of pro-social behavior:
Pro-social behavior means that a child is able to care, help and share with his playmates, as opposed to being self-centered. This also has to deal with a child’s morality of right and wrong. Children first learn the patterns of pro-social behavior from others, however with time they develop their own understanding of fairness.
Answer # 5
Three examples of how to open up communication with parents:
- Post family members' names in the classroom to know them by name.
- Let them know that the child is remembering his/her parents throughout the day.
- Share with the family about the child's routines, including play and learning.
Definition of windows of opportunity:
Windows of opportunity are developmental timetables that consist of information, based on scientific research about early brain development, studied by neuroscience. They are the same for all children and they open at birth.
Example of toys used for a window of opportunity: