Depression is a condition of the mind or a feeling of hopelessness, unworthiness and losing interest in what one enjoyed most in life as a result of continued pressure over a given period (Diamond, 2005). This may be due to changing of events in life (loss of a loved one/death), failure to understand teenage moods, lack of funds and unemployment. Depression affects the character in terms of feelings, behavior and thinking. If it persists, may lead to loss of energy, related illnesses such as heart conditions and also death.
Life Experience in Depression
Life requires tactics or strategies in order to move on without much strain. The most normal occurrence with humans is that we adopt other peoples way of life or strategies if my say. For example, deciding to scream each morning simply because your neighbor does so. Sometimes back before joining college, I had several forces pushing me to the corner despite the teenage facts and accusations one has to persevere. All I knew and desired was a success, but the way out was a nightmare. A feeling of independency is normal to the majority if not to all human beings. Here comes the two states that left me in a dilemma; one force insisted that college would be the best option and an investment for that matter. Truly, I merely understood the logic behind that option and worse enough, according to my state none seemed to speak sense as far as proving that was the best option and neither did I seek to understand what they meant because more emphasis were on the other option.
At that time, I could insist that education has nothing to do with success given the systems in place. Secondly, another option was to have cash flowing into my pocket, and how that would happen was none of my business though more ambiguous. As a teenage with brains at work, all I needed was to achieve the goals of my life independently without any form of interferences. This was instigated mostly by successful businessmen/ladies with little or no education at all. At least, I considered myself lucky to have background knowledge from high school. The limiting factors were cash and moving from the comfort zone to the unknown empty handed. Helplessness engulfed me for more than a year as could not imagine of being a tick for any longer rather than the school life. In this case, death was the only way out but fortunately, before that; there was aid at my door. There was continued conversation which led to my understanding that, ‘mountain climber’s start with a plan and not a step’. I managed to trick my conscious and fully accept the idea and make each stride at a time.
As indicated earlier, depression is as a result of many causes or reasons. In this context, depression was caused by lack of knowledge or stuck between options which have almost the same benefits in terms of outcomes. More expert guidance and knowledge on the issues disturbing is required in order to facilitate sound judgment which is not interfered with by either anxiety or unconscious mind. With prior knowledge of life, this would not have happened as nature offers a lot of options to choose. In some cases, one may not truly tell the cause of depression as it may result from a combination of thoughts/imaginations (either past/ future) and daily events. My opinion on the cure of depression is getting an understanding of oneself (self- examination) on the basis of strengths and weaknesses, knowing what life is all about and accepting the reality. This probably can be the best cure without chemical side effects other than medications as (Beck et al.2009) suggests. In this case, it would mean lifetime under medication which in a way may not solve the problem. The mind comes to a halt, but it does not mean the condition will be over after the medication.
Aaron, T. Beck., M. D. & Brad, A. Alford. (2009). Depression: Causes and Treatments (2nd ed.). USA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Jed Diamond, (2005). The Irritable Male Syndrome: Understanding and Managing the Four Key Causes of Depression and Aggression. California: Rodale.