Role of news media in formulating US foreign policy
Arguably, news media play a tremendous role in the formulation of US foreign policy. Media is involved in various stages and process of foreign policy formulation. In fact, political leaders involved in foreign policy formation consider media in international and national aspects. As a matter of fact, news media are a source of image, information and knowledge to the public; hence, it develops a good environment of opinion. News media also determines and reports on the issue that American people feel are of importance in formulating countries foreign policy. Additionally, mass media inform elites and other foreign policy makers on international issues that should be incorporated in formulating foreign policy. Basically, media have undertaken this job seriously; this is because the public has more trust in the news media. In fact, media advisors are incorporated indirectly or directly in foreign policy formulation.
Effects of the US news media coverage of the developing world
Arguably, the effects of U.S news media are tremendously crucial in keeping United States in the forefront. In fact, the coverage on developing countries enables United States to implement foreign policies that will make them remain the powerful nations in the globe. Some of the issues that are guided by media include security, food aid, as well as public relations. Furthermore, it creates awareness of global culture, religion, behavior and attitudes of other nations. News media act as a catalyst and a watchdog in the entire process of foreign policy formation.
Nature of freedom of speech throughout the world today
In the 21st century, the global information infrastructure has greatly improved. In fact, the declaration of freedom of speech as a human right has at least proved the nature of freedom of speech. The multicultural nature of people in the globe develops the complexities of freedom of speech. Certainly, the upcoming of various civil rights organization, has given a boost to right freedom of speech. Incredible, most nations led by dictators rarely enjoy the right to speech. Nevertheless, these trends are changing, increase in democratic nations and the protection of media rights and freedom is strengthening freedom of speech in various nations.
Characteristics of the US as an occidental power
Undeniably, U.S is an occidental power in the globe. The westernization of the world is believed by many people to be originating from United States. Perhaps, U.S relates to the characteristics of the western world, which include lifestyle, politics, economy, as well as religion. The politics and events within United States escalate its effects to the other parts of the world, either indirectly or directly. Additionally, the foreign policies of United States affect the progress of the world, especially developing nations. Regardless of its occidental powers, the Eastern region of the globe oppose is opposed to this powers and impacts.
Differences between the first and the third world today
Reasons for United States concern about the world
United States concern on poor countries should be viewed in different perspectives. As a matter of fact, people in United States feel there is no need of helping poor nations using taxpayer’s money. Helping other nations is a humanitarian act of providing basic needs to the needy. Basically, United States concentration on world poor is a way of improving and building international relationship. Despite its wealth, United States still depends on other poor nations for markets and other imports. The country is not fully endowed with all the resources; hence, public relations are important. Additionally, on historical grounds the slaves who worked in the past were part of developing economy of United States. The slaves came from the poor nations, but the human resource they came with influenced the economy of United States.
Telecommunication and role of ICTs in communication
In the contemporary world, telecommunication refers to the transmission of information from one region to another over some significant distance for the purpose of communication. Some example of telecommunication includes television, radio, networks, mobile phones, satellites, as well as VOIP (voice over internet protocol). The definition of telecommunication encompasses both primitive and modern technologies of communication. Information and communication technology play a tremendous role in communication. In fact, it has increased the entire communication speed. For example, people from various regions could link together and communicate easily at a minimum cost over a short period of time. Moreover, ICTs has become the main communication link among people. It has improved communication in various sectors of human life.
Relationship between global economy and contemporary communication
Conversably, global economy depends on communication as a main enhancement tool. Communication among varies macro and micro sectors of the economy has been made easier. Hence, business transactions as well as circulation of resources have been made easy. Basically, contemporary communications have led to a reduction of transitions costs. Business and other global activities have been converted into online activity due to the presence of contemporary communication. Additionally, various virtual offices and transactions have been established, saving both time and money.
Intellectual property and why some people view control of intellectual property as being inappropriate
Intellectual property refers to a number of various, distinct categories of mind creations, which given exclusive rights and recognized by corresponding law organizations. In this case, intellectual property law grants particular rights to intangible assets such as artistic, musical as well as literacy work, inventions, discoveries, designs, phrases, and symbols. Some of these intellectual property rights include patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secret. People see the law granting intellectual rights as inappropriate because it preventing progress, harming public interest and protesting unnecessary monopolies. The law governs economic objective instead of concentration on the social aspect of the product.
The four little dragons and its implications
The four little dragons refer to the vastly developed economies, which include South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. The nations are well known for its tremendous maintenance of high growth rate as well as rapid industrialization. Their persistence in development began since 1960s to 1990s. In the 21st century, the countries are joining the high-income and advanced economies in the world. Certainly, these nations specialize fully in areas where they enjoy a competitive advantage. For example, Taiwan and South Korea are the lead globally in information technology manufacturing. Moreover, Singapore and Hong Kong are the world-leading financial centers. The impacts of the term, has led to destruction of the old order, reduced independent of foreign aid, led to political urgency, increase in labor supply, improved education, as well as increase in savings.
Meaning of globalization
Globalization is a wide and comprehensive term. It refers to intensification and acceleration of integration and interaction among different nations, people, governments as well as companies. Certainly, it implies to increasingly world relationships of people, culture, politics, as well as economic activities. In most cases, it emphasizes on global economic and social integration and interaction. Together, with information technology, globalization as converted the world into a global village, where people share lifestyles, thoughts, technology, consumer products and visions.
Differences between IGOs and NGOs
In order to help developing nations and maintain peace in the globe, some non-profit making organization has been established to serve various objectives. IGOs (International Governmental Organization is a non-profit making organization formed to carry out issues of common interest. Its establishment is in a form of a treaty and governed basically under international law. They include European Union, United Nations and League of Nations. Some of the main objectives include preserving peace, improving international relations, promoting human rights and social development. On the other hand, NGO (Non-Governmental Organizations is a non-profit international organization envisioned by United Nations charter and is made up of domestic organizations or individual members from some countries. They include the International Red Cross and Amnesty International. Their main emphasize is to increase developmental aids, focus on humanitarian issues, as well as maintain sustainable development.