Q1. The World War II took a diverse form. The film attempted to construct suspense the same as propaganda to convey ideas in support of the associated cause. The central government was responsible for propaganda and publicity in the Second World War. The effect was of consternation was desirable in the government.
Q2. Some of the conflicts that followed in the years after the end of World War II are; millions of Japanese and Germans were expelled from their native territories. Problems that lasted for a long time caused tension in East and West Germany which led to the creation of South and North Korea. A cold war developed between the Soviet Eastern and the Western powers.
Q3. Vietnam is the starting point for Norman Solomon's examination of pre-war because it scrutinizes management techniques which have played an important role in promoting American wars in the recent years. The American military strikes similarities for various administrations to retain and justify reasons why the war should be supported. The audience should be able to distinguish propaganda campaign from the actual reports. The Vietnam syndrome had to be decisive to avoid people from going back to war.
Q4. Solomon means that World War II is a dramatic escalation from military actions in the United States. Military interventions involve complex interests in the United States history. Deliberations of the military actions have been left with the policy makers’ bureaucrats and politicians. Officials justified the military operations by withholding important information from the American citizens about the potential costs and actual reasons.
Q5. Some common propaganda techniques shown in the film include using dispersed and repeated variety of media in choosing the audience attitude. It has also been used as a commercial warfare or a form of ideology. If al Qaeda and bin Laden were not blamed for the war, the war was intended to spread economic benefits, democracy and human rights.
Q6. A lie of omission is deliberately leaving out factual information to change the meaning of a statement. Saddam Hussein and Manuel Noriega both who became US targets of regime change, were used as a justification of the war that had weaknesses in the United States history. The two people were not involved in the discussion. Some officials have admitted that Saddam Hussein had no presence in Afghanistan even though they believe that he had a stake in the war.
Q7.Solomon means that by examining propaganda the government and the United States military looked at president’s bush administration mismanagement. Footage of the cold war propaganda continues to be repetitive as the Iran policies constitute of the greatest challenge to the United States security interests around the world.
Q8. Americans do not believe that their own government uses propaganda because their officials have justified and explained these military operations to the United States citizens. Crucial information is held about potential costs and actual reasons for the military to carry out their operations.
Q9. The government disseminates propaganda by uncritically disseminating war messages of consecutive presidential administrations in the United States. It was used to influence beliefs and opinions on political issues. The propaganda goes through advertising channels such as television and radio and non-advertising channels such as stickers and flyers. United States President George Bush gained public support to eliminate Social Security in support of the private accounts.
Q10. The propaganda blends with setting the agenda into the media terrain. Sources that lie to the citizens do not deserve the trust they are given. The wars embedded in the media accompany troops during the war.
Q11. Examples of official statements clouded reality rather than clarify it due to Protests against the Iraq War and President Bush administration across the country includes; Protesters gathered to demonstrate against Cheney who was the vice president to address the military. President Bush sold wars to the United States republic to fight the Iraq war. Media critic Solomon released a documentary called War Made Easy.
Q12. The consequences of news reporters relying on official sources for much of theirinformation is that journalists had a lot of information which contradicted the available official report. A comparative assessment of post wars in 1945 particularly those that happened in Vietnam. The film draws a comparison between Vietnam and invasion of Iraq in 2003. The footage demonstrates the patterns that that the media discerns in a number of conflicts. Members of the congress depicted themselves as critics and opponents of the war.
Q13. The official story about the Gulf of Tonkin incident was that the North Vietnamese torpedo boats attacked a U.S. destroyer without being provoked. This caused the Tonkin Gulf to attack U.S. ships two days later deliberately. The Congress approved the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution to carry out military operations without declaring war. The Resolution allowed unilateral power to the president to launch war when it became necessary.
Q14. The parallels that the film makes between the Gulf of Tonkin incident and Colin Powell's presentation to the United Nations are giving special attention to Iraq in the recent invasion Solomon makes a significant point about the war lies erased from history. British newspapers mock Colin Powell's lies one day after he utters them. The role of the media was crucial in an attempt to inform the people.Q15. According to the leaked memo the network's reasons for firing Phil Donahue were focussing on issues that divide conservatives and liberals in the United States such as civil rights, abortion, war issues and consumer protection. The television program called Donahue covered the war issues in World War II.
Q16. Barbara Lee was the only representative who voted against this bill to authorise the use of force in the days after 9/11 because violence was used against the United States citizens. The U.S had the right to exercise protection and self defence to its citizens. The bill threatened foreign policy and nation security which was fundamental to the state to avoid international terrorism.
Q17. He gave interviews and speeches on culture wars while protecting a conservative position by blaming the media for imposing multiculturalism. His interviews and speeches supported gun rights for those who were in possession of the arms. He held the gun on his head and pledged that he was never going to surrender it.
Q18. The filmmakers ended with King's comments because this was a historical drama film. The chronology of the actions shifted to the actual timeline of events in the World War II. The film makers introduced the subject matter which set them apart from the earlier generation. The real power for the media was perceived by politicians who reacted on assumptions.
Kellner, D. M. (2011). Cinema Wars Hollywood Film and Politics in the Bush-Cheney Era..
Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
War Made Easy | Watch Free Documentary Online. (n.d.). Top Documentary Films - Watch Free Documentaries Online. Retrieved May 15, 2013, from http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/war-made-easy/