Discussion A: Responding to a Point of View on Literacy
“Literacy is not a luxury; it is a right and a responsibility. If our world is to meet the challenges of the twenty-first century, we must harness the energy and creativity of all our citizens."
- Bill Clinton, 42nd U.S. President (1993–2001), on International Literacy Day, September 8, 1994
President Clinton’s quotation has deeper meanings than can be seen by just reading. He has defined and given a strong status to literacy which a lot of people take for granted. Literacy is very important for the success of people in their quality of life as well as their career aspirations. Strong skills of literacy play an important part in having decent earnings and a good job. People with weak literacy skills are likely to be working on jobs which pay less per hour or even are unemployed. The term literacy is more than science, knowledge, reading and mathematics. It also reflects the changes that have been made in technology .
President Clinton has quoted that if this century has to meet the challenges of the world, then the country must completely utilize the creativity of everyone. Literacy he said is not a luxury but rather a thing to be used by everyone. In the past, literacy was a tool of the rich and the poor were not considered to be of status to use literacy in their lives. However, with the advancement of the world, every country is starting to utilize literacy to compete with other countries . A common man with lack of money to go to school also has a lot of creative ideas that can be utilized to help create things with technology.
As the writing and the reading skills of the students develop, they spend a lot of time in reading for their pleasure and education. Reading also provides a lot of different ways to collect information and learn about the feelings, opinions and thoughts of different people. This quotation is still relevant in today’s time because the government leaves minimum part for education in their budget plan which does not fulfill the needs of every family. Literacy becomes expensive and the rich get full access to education in their high tech schools with different experiences.
Discussion B: Activating Prior Knowledge
Play increases many different aspects of the learning and development of children. It is the window of children to the real world and is important in the lives of children. The social and physical environments of the children nowadays is changing and developing over the years. It is now very difficult for the children to have uninterrupted long hours to play outdoors and indoors with themselves or with their friends .
It also nourishes many different aspects of the development of children and also forms foundations of emotional, physical, social and intellectual skills which are important for the success in life and school. It paves way for the learning of the children. For example, the sand, water play and building blocks lay down the foundation of scientific reasoning, logical thinking and problem solving.
Rumble and tumble play develops communal, societal, and emotional regulation. It is very important especially in the growth of social life and competence of body. It also develops creativity and flexibility in the style of thinking. There is no appropriate way to conduct things. In certain cases, the plays can consider a chair as car, house, boat or bed.
Hedegaard, M. (2013). Play, Learning and CHildren's development. London: Cambridge University Press.
Shen, M. (2008). Teaching and Learning through Play. Parkway: Proquest.