There are multiple ways of developing a prototype solution, and it is important to choose the correct and feasible method if we are trying to implement the solution in timescales. It is advisable to use the Evolutionary prototyping, as it will allow us to approach the solution in a stepwise manner, in this method we deduce the specification and then develop a prototype after which we evaluate and specify, once we have the desired solution we can easily design and implement the same in timelines. Its just that during the entire process, we have to be cautious about the steps that we take and ensure that we evaluate the steps regularly. [ CITATION Ala04 \l 1033 ]
Resource availability is a part of the organizing phase and needs to be handled carefully, the important point is that people, space, equipment and services must be planned well and should be arranged before each phase of operations. Also, the prototype if getting implemented must have the resources baked in for all the steps, the availability can be ensured by pre-planning for all the steps and as we approach the solution, there can be an easy way to either multi-task or reallocate the resources so that the requirement is met successfully.[ CITATION ant11 \l 1033 ]
Decision Making is the most important feature and the entire operation is based on this step, hence we have to keep few things in mind in order to access the right information and provide the right solution. The information related to the organization, product services and sales, employees and IT must be available however it is important that the information available is analyzed to find operational, Tactical and Strategic aspects that lead to decision making. The decision making process always follows information interpretation and hence it is important to gather the information on the lines as discussed above, so that structured decision making can be done using both external and internal resources.[ CITATION Now18 \l 1033 ].
Works Cited
Alavi, M. (2004). AN ASSESSMENT OF THE PROTOTYPING APPROACH TO INFORMATION SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT. Communications of the ACM , 555-562. (n.d.). Topic 2 Management Information Systems. Retrieved May 8, 2011, from
Nowduri, S. (2010). Management information systems and business decision making: review, analysis, and recommendations. Journal of Management and Marketing Research , 1-8.