Arguably, human sexuality is very important in development and growth of human beings. As a matter of fact, human sexuality evolves from one stage to another as people grow. Each stage has various characteristics, challenges and effect that mould individual sexual behaviors. In the analysis, there are various approaches used by psychologists in advising different stages of development of sexuality issues. As a therapists, there are various ways to use in counseling individuals on sexuality issues that are related to decision-making, psychological changes, as well as physical changes. In order to get through these problems individuals need to understand their problems, and adapt various ways to overcome it.
In the first scenario, Anna is receiving a lot of pressure from her boyfriend who is tree years older than she, and her mother. In the first case, Anna being put into a lot of pressure to have sex, whereas at the same time the anxiety from her parents on her relationship is affecting.
As a therapist, Anna is in a dilemma on how to make her decision-making, whether to give in for sex, or follow her mother’s instructions (Barncroft, 2009). On Anna’s case, information is the basic thing that she must have before making decisions. Hence, therapist should educate her on various psychological and physical changes that take place at her stage, which might affects the emotions and the way she perceives various sexuality issues. Additionally, in educating her, Anna should know that her decisions to have sex is up to her; in that the decisions she makes should not be influenced by her mother anxiety or her boyfriend pressure.
The issue to have sexual intercourse is unnecessary pressure; hence, Anne must clearly understand on the consequences and impact of having sexual intercourse with her boyfriend. It is crucial as a therapist, to make Anne understand the existence of various types of love. Her boyfriend being older than her could mean that he is more experienced on sexual issue. Perhaps, Anna need to analyze if the boyfriend loves her sincerely, or she only demands sex for lust or infatuation. Parents’ anxiety is very normal since they understand the dangers of that adolescent go through. Anna needs to build trust with her parents, and prove to them that she can make reasonable and right decisions. Anna should be advised on how to make personal decisions based on individual assessment, critical thinking, as well as situational assessment. Generally, Anna should discuss together with her mother and boyfriend on their relationship, so that they can be advised on the situation. In case, Anna decides to have sex, then they should understand on various birth control methods, and STD preventive measures (Carroll, 2009).
In the second scenario, Susan and Tom are an elderly couple, whereby Tom retired many years ago while Susan just retired recently. The two are conflicting on the issues of sexual ability. In one point, Susan has shown renewed interest in sexual activity, while Tom has not reciprocated the interest of Susan, since Tom is anxious about his sexual ability at this stage in time. In this case, Tom does not understand what is happening in their life. Hence, therapist will begin by a counseling session by informing Tom that the anxiety is normal and advise him on various strategies of overcoming the anxiety (Carroll, 2009). In fact, it is crucial to alert Tom on the issue of elder people on sexual activity, arousal and desire. In every stage of development, sexual desires vary and may change human desires.
Tom needs to understand that there are various changes on her psychological and physical growth. In fact, Tom the elderly sexual ability is affected by psychological and physical changes. As a therapist, explaining to Tom the effects of physical changes such as losing skin, wriggles, weight changes is the cause of his anxiety on sexuality. It developed a feeling of being weak and less attractive. Additionally, the reduction of testosterone in the body of Tom also hinders the sexual strength (Barncroft, 2009). Basically, Tom erectile muscles are not strong, and he should seek treatment. In every relationship, communication is very essential. Therefore, I will advise the couple to communicate frequently and be open of their sexual feelings. Both of them will get to know the feelings and needs of the other partner. Apart from using Viagra, Tom should commune a lot of energy giving products. Hence, Tom will be in a position to meet the sexual demands of Susan.
Finally, the third scenario is about Bill. Bills problem begins with the fact that he is paralyzed from the waist down since he was a child. The fact that he is in a romantic relationship creates a lot of uneasiness on how he will approach his sexual behavior. As a therapist, it is essential to begin by informing Bill that his state does not affect his sexual life, since there are very many ways to having healthy romantic and sexual relationship. Perhaps, what Bill should know from me is that he can still have feelings and be aroused just like any other person. Due to his disability, sexual tools will be highly recommendable for him; this will help him in having satisfaction, as well as satisfying his lover. In Bill case, the issue of communication, honest and being open to the other partner is important. Bill need to overcome the feeling of helplessness, and eliminate the anxiety of underperformance (Barncroft, 2009).
Therapist need to assure Bill that his physical limitations do not affect his sexuality issues. He should visit a doctor and a specialist on such complications so that he can receive proper advice on how to enjoy the romance and sex. Additionally, Bill need to inform his partner on his intention to bond their relationship more (Carroll, 2009). Generally, sexual life is very important in every stage of human beings. Moreover, sexual problems will never miss in sexuality of human beings, which may range from psychological, physical and age. In order to solve the anxieties and stress that comes as a result of these problems, understanding and proper communication is crucial. Conclusively, in the entire stages of life, issues on sexuality need to be handled carefully, and decisions made critically.
Barncroft, J. (2009). Human Sexuality and its Problems. Chicago: Chicago Press
Carroll, J. (2009). Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity. California: Wadsworth