The article seems to point out the issue of southern cultures and the changing demographic expression of the Southerners. Immigration has drastically changed the region and new kinds of southerners has changed the region’s culture and introduced novel ways of worship, eating and even speaking.
The novel cultural dynamics has brought about diversity to a place that has for be long known for bi-racialism of blacks and whites, Christian Protestantism ethically harmonized Anglo-Celtic whites. In keeping with Griffin and McFarland (2007), the south has harbored too many ethnic and cultural diverse people, and it is proper to articulate that southerners are entirely blinded from uncontrolled flow of people into to the expanse from new and far shores and most of southerner point to Britain or Africa as their origin.
In this article Griffin and McFarland (2007) indicates that, the south regard themselves as fading. However, how people consider themselves as American must not be considered as right or wrong, but how they identify with their culture. America should evolve into a society that appreciates and supports diverse cultural backgrounds and people with less or no exposure to other cultures must not be alienated by the society. In their work Griffin and McFarland (2007) have depicted fear from southerners that new cultures have been introduced in US.
The write is adamant to keep and maintain the culture and language which they deem necessary in the region. I emphatically agree with the article arguing from the current situation in the society. More and more people are being introduced in the society, and they all possess diverse background and culture. The South have endured stigma something that has continued to obstruct them from new experiences.
Griffin, L., & McFarland, K. (2007). In my heart, I’m an American: regional attitudes and American identity. Southern Cultures, 13(4), Retrieved from