Crime statistics for a long time under estimate the true extent of crime and engulfed by significant shortfalls due to non-reporting by citizens and non-detection of the police. Sexual assault and family violence crime are less made known to police, as victims reluctantly come forward. There are some of the crime that the society consider tiny and therefore the victims are obliged to play ignorant while others seem inconvenient to the victim. Crime statistics subjected to inaccuracy by how and whether the crime recorded by police or not. Whether reporting to the police occurs or not is largely depending on factors such as to the trust public attach to the police ability to arrest the insurgents. Every country that rely on crime statistics battles the same limitations and it is equally The extent of unreported crime is therefore not known; it has been referred to by criminologists and statisticians as the ‘dark figure’ of crime. It is important to appreciate that nowhere within the world crime statistics truthful a scientific measurable. However, it is used as indicators and helps to formulate measures and track the trend of crime kinds over time.
Victims of criminal activities are obliged to take government enforcement, measures and efforts deterring crimes in the society, In as much as the security personnel fights crime, it is important that persons avoid places, objects, habits, substances that would held them subjects of crime. If individual is willfully expose themselves to the naked crime teeth, disapproves combining efforts from the victims incentives and the government efforts to reach optimal combined reinforcement. Criminal law used as an incentive, which label contributory fault, victims who fail to take optimal social precaution level at all times, would lose some of publicly provided protection by the government. If for instance sanctions on the offender depends on the victims conduct, it will be reduced significantly whenever the victims deviates from the socially optimal effort and consequently led the victim to incline and embrace optimal precaution in order to guarantee greater protection. Ultimately, safety accomplished when one sacrifices efforts against deterrence and that individual safety depends largely on the victims conduct.
Joyce, P. (2013). Criminal Justice: An Introduction. Routledge.
Karmen, A. (2012). Crime Victims: An Introduction to Victimology. Cengage.