Study Results: Write a results section that includes the descriptive statistics for age, weight, and height. Also look at the data for the satis, exreg, misrep, and mind variables for the males and females. Determine the frequency counts of the yes or no responses for the males and females.
Males: Yes –3: No-1 Females: Yes-2: No-4
Males: Yes-2: No-2 Females: Yes-1: No-5
Males: Yes-0: No-4 Female: Yes-5: No-1
Males: Yes-1: No-3 Females: Yes-4: No-2
Does it seem the males and females responded differently to any of the questions?Yes it seems, they responded differently to the questionsHow You Would Handle the Participants: You must write a brief statement to answer the following questions:How would you feel if you had to collect the data from any of the participants who were created for this study?
I would feel relieved since the participants would be having a prior knowledge of the study. They would not therefore rely on one another for their responses thus providing reliable and accurate responses.Which specific participants might you feel embarrassed for and why?
Participant 2, the female. This is because it would be so difficult to retrieve personal information regarding weight and height from individuals of the opposite gender. The questions would rather seem more embarrassing to me. How would you handle their discomfort while answering questions?
I would let them be free from harassments. I would not be looking at their individual responses before they submit. Information given by each of the participant would be treated with utmost confidentiality.
I would inform them not to indicate their names on the interview paper but only indicate their gender for easy comparison and analysis. How would you handle it if they wanted to stop filling out the survey?I would encourage them to fill the forms through motivations since the information is important and must only be retrieved from them alone.
There exist diversities in the mode of response to questions as exhibited by the respondents. There cannot be an affirmative response from the cohort that was interviewed.
Nestor, P.G Schutt, R.K.(2011). Research Methods in Psychology: Investigating Human Behavior. London: SAGE.