In a virtual meeting where there is a specified agenda for the entire group, the most effective way how to ensure effective communications is to set the proper expectations for the participants . An example of a workable expectation is the reduction of all possible distractions that could derail the meeting’s progress and successful execution.
For the team members to understand the next steps involved in a meeting, be it virtual or not, providing aids such as multimedia presentations and even a simple text excerpt of a book or any resource that may help them better understand the important points would help a lot.
One of the most important yet commonly taken for granted characteristics of an effective team is the existence of a stable line of communication. For teams to be able to attain their goals, they must know how to set aside individual differences and work collaboratively. Team goals often cannot be completed by a single person so it is important to ensure that everyone is doing his or her part.
Roles, needs, and diversity exist as challenges in that they negatively affect teamwork. A team that is composed of members coming from two different cultural groups would often find it difficult to agree on certain culturally-related discussions and decisions.
Group diversity can be composed of or dependent on culture, socioeconomic status, gender preferences, and even race. So far, all of these namely diversity, communication, setting of proper expectations, and teamwork, affect the way how a team functions. They collectively determine how successfully or unsuccessfully a team would be in the long run. Ultimately, successful intra-team relationships largely depend on the leader and the individual team member’s abilities and willingness to cooperate with each other.
Gibson, C., & Cohen, S. (2003). Virtual Teams that Work: Creating Conditions for Virtual Team Effectiveness. John Wiley and Sons.